Up until just recently, Hispanics were expected and assumed to be Democrats by anyone with a passive interest in political demography.
Fellow patriot,

Not too long ago, Hispanics were expected and assumed to be Democrats by anyone with a passive interest in political demography. In fact, until recently, Hispanics were about as Democrat as suburbanites were Republican.

I’m helping to change that narrative. I’m not a “coconut” – – brown on the outside, white on the inside – as some have called me. And I’m certainly not a “self-hating Hispanic,” as others have labeled me. My name is Monica De La Cruz, a proud Hispanic Republican, and I’m running for Congress in Texas’ 15th Congressional District to flip a seat RED which has never been held by a Republican in its HISTORY.

Last year, I ran for the same seat in Congress I’m running for today. We ran one heck of a campaign and fell short by just 6,588 votes. I didn’t get to the top of the hill in 2020, but I’m a fighter – I never give up. So, I’m running again, and it would honor me greatly if you would consider chipping in $6 to help elect a HispanicRepublican from TEXAS!

I’ve been endorsed by Sen. Ted Cruz, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, and Texas Right to Life among others.

As you may have heard, Republicans only need 5 seats to flip the House Republican, and to put it plainly, without picking up this seat in South Texas, we will come up short and Democrats will retain their majority.

In 2020, Republicans had the “Year of the Republican Woman” when the number of Republican women in the House more than doubled. But that is not good enough. We need more! We need more brown Republican women of color.

Will you help me prove a point to the Democrats that they don’t have a monopoly on women, people of color, or Hispanics?

Culturally, Hispanics are conservative: most of us are pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment God-fearing folks. For me and my family, voting Democrat is simply not an option when AOC is now the standard bearer of the party. But, as the saying goes in Hispanic communities here in South Texas, “being Democrat, it’s just what you do.”

But Democrats have veered so far to the left, the Party of my parents’ generation is just unrecognizable.

Consider that in 2020, Joe Biden performed 24% worse in the Rio Grande Valley than Hillary Clinton did four years earlier. South Texas is ripe for the taking, but I can’t do it alone. I cannot self-fund, and that’s why I’m asking for you to invest in my campaign today.

If you’re a Hispanic Republican, please help me be a voice for you in Washington. If you’re not Hispanic, invest in me so I can prove to socialist Democrats that they can’t expect to act like imbeciles and get the votes of women and minorities just because they have in the past.

Governor Greg Abbot even proclaimed about South Texas, “If I were the Democrats, I would be very afraid right now.”

Help me prove him right.

Thank you for your time.

Monica De La Cruz
Republican for Congress

Paid for by Monica for Congress

PO BOX 4605 McAllen, TX 78503

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