Friend -

One of the greatest threats to New Yorkers and the nation is the disappearance of cheap available energy in the wake of the misnamed Green "New Deal" and other banker-sponsored Malthusian schemes to destroy the idea of progress, all in an attempt to perpetuate a rotten,?hopelessly bankrupt financial system. As Lyndon LaRouche had warned for decades, only an aggressive program for the development and deployment of nuclear fission and fusion energy can secure a viable, prosperous future for the U.S. and mankind as a whole.

Tune in tonight at 7:30 pm.? There will be a zoom meeting immediately after this program, if you'd like to volunteer.

NY Symposium Friday August 5, 7:30 pm:


Keith Schue and other representatives of the Campaign for a Green Nuclear Deal

*Participation in the NY Symposium with Diane Sare does not constitute endorsement of her candidacy, nor does Diane necessarily agree with the views expressed by others on her program. The purpose of the dialogue is to allow the voters to form their own opinion on urgent issues not usually discussed and debated in the public domain.

As soon as the Symposium concludes (about 8:40 pm), you may click the link below to join the organizing discussion.




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