SO much is on the line this year ...

People For Supporter,
With just three months until Election Day 2022, we are mobilizing voters, recruiting and training volunteers, and building grassroots power in key cities and regions in states with races that will determine the future of our democracy – that includes:
Races for governor and secretary of state that will determine whether or not Trump-loyal promoters of the Big Lie and insurrectionist sympathizers are the ones counting, certifying, and reporting their states’ voting results in the 2024 presidential elections. After this week’s Republican primaries, election deniers have won the GOP nomination for the office ultimately in charge of their state's elections in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania ... and more are on the ballot in primaries coming up this month...
Races for U.S. Senate that will determine whether or not we have a pro-democracy majority that will vote to do away with the filibuster so we can protect voting rights, codify reproductive freedom in federal law, and more ... AND continue to confirm fair-minded judges – including a Supreme Court justice, should another vacancy occur during President Biden’s term...
Races for state and local offices that will determine, among other things, whether or not the freedom to learn is protected for all students or books are banned, Black history is ignored, and LGBTQ+ youth are attacked ...
So much is on the line this year! Which is why we’ve never needed your sustained support more.
Will you chip in $5 a month to power this work through the midterm elections and beyond to fight back against far-right hate and defend our fragile democracy?
Our monthly sustaining members – People For’s Defenders of Democracy – are truly the backbone of our member-funded efforts to protect and defend Truth, Justice, and the American Way at a time when these ideals are under attack like never before in modern times.
Monthly giving is convenient, easy, and the most impactful way to support this work, but if you cannot commit to a monthly donation at this time, you can still let us know you’re standing with us by making a one-time gift today.
Make a one-time gift instead >>
According to polls, key races for all the offices listed above are statistical dead heats ... and, in many of these races, Republicans have nominated some of the most extreme candidates we’ve ever seen.
In Pennsylvania, far-right gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano is an election denier, actually organized buses to transport members of Trump’s mob to the Capitol on January 6, and is unapologetic about his commitment to throwing out election results he doesn’t like ... and, as governor, he would get to handpick the state’s chief election officer.
In Arizona, the far-right candidates who won primaries for governor and U.S. Senate just this week are MAGA extremists who routinely traffic in conspiracy theories and racism. Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has said that not believing Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen should disqualify people from holding public office, and Senate candidate Blake Masterson has made horrifying racist comments attacking immigrants and Black people (and has an endless supply of financial support from his mentor and benefactor, anti-democracy billionaire Peter Theil). But it doesn’t stop there. The GOP nominee for secretary of state in Arizona, Mark Finchem, is a member of extremist militia group the Oath Keepers (you may remember them as one of the core groups organizing the Jan. 6 insurrection)! And the nominee for state superintendent of education wants to ban bilingual education and set up a “narc line” to report teachers suspected of teaching “CRT.”
In Maryland, gubernatorial candidate Dan Cox is a MAGA conspiracy theorist cut from the same cloth as Doug Mastriano, and the GOP nominee for attorney general, Michael Peroutka, is a self-described “confederate” (he takes exception to the term “neo-confederate”), a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, and has been a member of the League of the South, an SPLC-designated white supremacist hate group.
And even far-right incumbents are becoming more and more brazen in their extremism ...
Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, whom we have a good chance of defeating this year, supported Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, has peddled dangerous disinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, and now is saying that he wants to end the guaranteed benefits of Social Security and Medicare! Instead of guaranteeing the social safety net, his idea would be to make Congress pass the spending for those programs anew each year, forcing millions of Americans to live in a state of utter insecurity and seniors to beg annually for a crucial benefit that most of them have spent their working lives paying for.
The stakes are high. And with progressives at a historical disadvantage based on midterms usually trending against the sitting president’s party, generating voter enthusiasm and turnout is the name of the game.
But with potentially transformative changes to the political landscape due to the Supreme Court’s attacks on fundamental rights (especially its overturning of Roe v. Wade), details of the January 6 insurrection fresh in the public’s mind thanks to this summer’s congressional hearings, and bigoted extremists on the general election ballot in so many key races, 2022 is looking like a year without precedent, where anything can happen.
We need to work harder than ever to make the choice clear for voters. We can save our democracy – together.
Will you please join us and sustain our work to stop hate, protect democracy, and defend Truth, Justice, and the American Way as a Defender of Democracy with a monthly $5 gift? >>
Can’t give monthly at this time? Please make a one-time gift instead. >>
Thank you so much for all you do.
Go, Fight, Win,
Ben Jealous, President

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Radical Right extremists are trying to turn back the clock on a century of advances in civil rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights, the social safety net and more… they’re waging an all-out assault on the fundamental pillars of our country – democracy, checks and balances, a fair and independent judicial branch, and core values like fairness, equality, and justice for all.
People For is fighting back every day with:
✔ Grassroots organizing
✔ Lobbying and advocacy
✔ Research and education
✔ Voter mobilization
✔ And more…
But we can’t do this vital work without the robust grassroots financial support of our members and activists.
Please help fund the fight for progress and stand against right-wing extremism with an urgently needed donation to People For today>>
