Wilson In the News
Brittney Griner Found Guilty in Russian Drug Trial (CBS News)
“A lot will depend on where she goes in terms of what her sentence really means. I anticipate that she will be imprisoned in someplace outside of Moscow, and most likely a difficult place to get to, which means she will have difficulties meeting her teammates, her friends, and her loved ones in Russia. It will be a very lonely sentence for Brittney Griner, unfortunately.” —Will Pomeranz
Former US diplomat on Ayman al-Zawahiri's death, US-Taliban relations (CBS News)
“Taking him out will make us all safer, but it means we have a lot of work to do as the Islamic State is an even bigger threat to the region.” —Ambassador James Jeffrey
Robert Daly on China's Reaction to Trip to Taiwan by Nancy Pelosi (CNN)
“Our goal needs to be to reassure China that while we stand with the people of Taiwan, we don’t seek Taiwan independence. I think that’s the piece that’s been missing. We’ve been deterring China, but we haven’t been reassuring.” —Robert Daly
A New Era for US-Colombia Relations (Americas Quarterly)
“It’s a lot of love even for Colombia, which President Biden has described in recent months as the ‘linchpin,’ ‘keystone,’ and ‘foundation,’ of security and prosperity in the hemisphere. The very intensity of the outreach speaks to a broader nerviosismo over the potential for the US-Colombia relationship to go sideways during a Petro presidency.” —Cynthia Arnson