![]() Patriot, Last night, the mass media reported that Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) has cut a deal to get on board with “Build Back Broke,” the latest edition of Joe Biden’s massive tax-and-spend scheme that, as we have reported, would raise taxes on the vast majority of Americans, including the middle class and the working poor most of all. Incredibly, what Sinema got in exchange for her vote was dropping the “carried interest loophole” – which allows hedge fund managers and private equity executives to have their income taxed at the 15% capital gains tax rate instead of the standard, much higher income tax rate. In other words, Democrats are keeping in their tax hikes for the working “Joe” but removing their much-vaunted tax hikes for the “mega-rich.” But this is still not a done deal. According to reports from staff, Joe Manchin (D-WV) is taking serious heat from constituents and the more he hears from angry voters that this bill is “Build Back Better Part 3,” the more stressed he is getting. For that matter, all Senate Democrats have a lot to worry about, and we’re hearing reports that several in the caucus are surveying the landscape in their own states and questioning their support. That’s why it is so important you and I double our efforts . . . RIGHT NOW! Right before a huge election that observers already expect will go very badly for Democrats, they’re trying to tax the huge majority of the American public, but not their mega-rich donors. They’re breaking a HUGE Biden campaign promise and central talking point. It’s enough to really depress turnout at the polls . . . but they’re betting the public won’t find out. NOW is the time to call them and disabuse them of this notion. Call your U.S. Senators RIGHT NOW at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to vote NO on Biden’s “Build Back Broke” tax-and-spend scheme. Here is a simple script you can use, whether you get a live person or leave a voice mail: Hi, this is (your name) calling from
(your city). I’m calling to demand you vote NO on the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which would raise taxes and increase inflation.
The American economy is in a recession. We can’t afford another tax hike. The Joint Committee on Taxation reports this bill will RAISE TAXES on the huge majority of Americans, including the poor and middle class. Now that the Carried Interest Loophole for hedge fund billionaires is protected in the bill, it really is just a big tax hike for the working stiffs. You need to vote NO on this disastrous bill. Patriot, we CAN stop Build Back Better Part 3 if just one U.S. Senate Democrat votes no – and Republicans hold the line. It only takes one minute to make your voice heard: please call (202) 224-3121 RIGHT NOW and tell your senators to vote NO! Thanks for all you do, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Congress is scrambling to pass this Tax, Spend, and Inflate scheme, but with enough pushback from We the People, we can stop their plans in their tracks. Take a moment to call your U.S. Senators and be sure to pass this on to your friends and family, so more people will hear the truth about this bill. And if you support the important work Campaign for Liberty does to expose, fight, and defeat this statist scheme and so many more, please support Campaign for Liberty with a contribution. Whether you can contribute $100, $200, $50, or $25, these tax hikes will harm us all. So please contribute what you can afford. Thank you so much! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American
principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education,
issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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