Combatting voter suppression and electing a pro-choice Governor in Georgia. 

Fair Fight

It’s been almost two weeks since Brian Kemp’s strict abortion ban went into effect here in Georgia, stripping away a pregnant person’s right to make health care decisions as early as six weeks — much sooner than many people even know they’re pregnant.

As what seems like an endless attack on some of our most fundamental rights continues, we must remember: we still have the power to come together and elect leaders who make decisions with the best interest of our communities in mind. Leaders like Stacey Abrams — who continues to be a leader in the fight for reproductive freedom.

We can’t let people in Georgia have more barriers than before, and less freedoms. If you’re able to, please split a $20 contribution between Fair Fight and Stacey Abrams as we work to combat voter suppression and elect a pro-choice Governor in Georgia.


Stacey Abrams will be a Governor who stands up for reproductive freedom. And in a moment like this, the stakes couldn’t be higher; it’s up to us to do what we can to ensure she is elected. We cannot afford a Georgia where it’s impossible for people to get the health care they need.

Fair Fight empowers voters to make their voices heard at the ballot box. And as we look towards the midterms, it’s never been more important to elect a reproductive rights and voting rights champion like Stacey Abrams. Georgia voters deserve better.

If you can, will you chip in $20 to Stacey Abrams and Fair Fight to make sure we can go into November as strong as possible? Let’s send a message that we’re building the kind of Georgia where everyone’s most fundamental freedoms are protected.

Thank you,

The Fair Fight Team