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How to Select the Right Software for Your Community Foundation

Tech Impact’s Amadie Hart explores the key considerations for navigating the complexities of selecting software solutions that can help your foundation best manage finances, support stakeholder relationships, and streamline processes.


Landscape of Integrated Software for Community Foundations

Designed to help you select the best solutions for your foundation, Tech Impact’s new guide focuses on how the most commonly used systems integrate and whether those integrations are user-friendly and effective in practical use. This resource is openly available thanks to the sponsorship of PEAK Grantmaking, the Finance, Administration & Operations Group for Community Foundations, Grantbook, and the Technology Association of Grantmakers.

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Upcoming Events

August 10
Grant Managers Network Roundtable: Grant Reporting (PEAK Mideast and Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania)

August 11
Monthly Chapter Chat
(PEAK Northeast)

August 11
Beyond the typical grant: Alternative ways to fund disasters

August 16
Project Management Essentials for Grants Professionals Workshop (PEAK Minnesota)

August 18
Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)

August 24
Leveraging Your Grants Management System to Drive Data-Informed Change (GivingData)


Weekly Reads

“The world’s problems aren’t being solved fast enough because the people with the best solutions are being shut out.” [more]
Sami Adler, GlobalGiving

“Abundance is a movement in philanthropy to change practice, policy, mindsets, and ways of being to support Black people and communities. Stepping into Abundance in this time is an opportunity to acknowledge and learn. It is an opportunity for collaborative efforts, board engagement, reimagined funder practices—leading to impact for Black people and communities and structural shifts that are generative, generational, and far greater than the sum of their parts.” [more]
Chicago Beyond

“[I]f we're not actively and deliberately moving toward justice, we're only trying to slightly improve conditions within a fundamentally broken system. We need to be working with partners and communities to reimagine and create a new way of being. Otherwise, we’re rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. To move toward justice, it’s been important for us to think about our active stance—to be anti-racist, to center gender and reproductive justice, to heed BIPOC wisdom—as opposed to believing we can get there via a passive stance.” [more]
Kaberi Banerjee Murthy, Meyer Memorial Trust

“Findings from the 2022 Global Philanthropy Environment Index show that in both Singapore and South Korea, philanthropic organizations have implemented innovative strategies and technological solutions and worked closely with government agencies and other stakeholders in order to fund and deliver services effectively during the pandemic. The Digital for Good: A Global Study on Emerging Ways of Giving project explores some of the emerging vehicles of philanthropy that have become more prominent in recent years, such as crowdfunding, contactless giving, online giving, and online volunteering.” [more]
Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
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