In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
A group made up of figures from across the political spectrum has accused Westminster politicians of treating Northern Ireland with "contempt" over abortion
A church praised by politicians for its work to tackle knife crime has been accused of "sickening" allegations that some of its pastors pressured young
people from the congregation to sell their own blood for money to donate to the church.
Forty-seven men went on trial in Nigeria on Wednesday for public displays of affection with members of the same sex, an offence that carries a 10-year jail
term in the country.
A Pakistani court will hear final arguments on Thursday in the blasphemy trial of a liberal scholar and former university lecturer a week after a US
religious freedom commission placed his name on its list of global victims, his lawyer said.
A film based on the life of Bangladesh's first popular female surfer is facing calls to be banned, accused of "hurting" religious sentiments in the
conservative Muslim nation.
Megan Manson studies the main UK-wide parties' election manifestos – and says religion will continue to be a dividing force in UK politics during the next
Megan Manson continues our election analysis of parties' policies on secularist issues. This time she examines the policies of the major parties of Scotland,
Wales and Northern Ireland.
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