John --
Thank you for your support in the fight against Labour’s Three
Waters reforms. I’m writing with a quick update on the campaign. I’ll
be doing these regularly from now on – I hope you enjoy them!
It’s been a busy couple of weeks with the submissions on the Water
Services Entities Bill now closed. I’d like to thank everyone who took
the time to submit through the National Party website; we collected
and delivered over 16,000 submissions, and the Select Committee
received over 88,000 submissions.
The message from this is clear. Kiwis overwhelmingly reject
Three Waters.
88,324 submissions, and Labour still isn’t
Labour doesn’t care what the public has to say and will rush
through Three Waters despite intense opposition.
I moved that the Select Committee should take extra time in light
of the huge number of submissions received on the Bill, but despite
all other political parties on the
committee agreeing with me, Labour used its absolute
majority to block it.
Labour also used its majority to prevent most of the people
and organisations who asked to make an oral submission via submissions
collected by National from doing so.
Over 1000 of you asked to speak to your submission in person, and
you should be able to.
It is clear that thousands of Kiwis oppose this
reform but Labour has doubled
down by pushing it through
Parliament as quickly as
possible. Labour cares more about getting
the Three Waters reforms out of the public eye than listening to the
legitimate concerns of New Zealanders and hearing what you have to say
about it.
Questioning Nanaia Mahuta in Parliament
When the Prime Minister spoke at the Local Government New Zealand
conference, she promised councils that under her watch, there would be
no more reforms unless they were sought and their direction was agreed
on. However, it seems her Minister for Local Government
didn’t get the memo and made Three
Waters compulsory, giving councils no option but to hand
over their water assets to unaccountable mega entities.
Labour has piled Local Government with reforms they haven’t asked
for, Nanaia Mahuta should listen to the Prime Minister and
stop the reforms councils oppose.
Watch here:

Three Waters spending is through the
Kiwi taxpayers are paying the price for these
reforms with more
than $26m spent on consultants
alone. These costs are increasing by more than $1 million
a month. At the end of February, the amount spent was $21 million. At
the end of May, it was $26 million, and every month Labour burns more
cash trying to figure out and sell these reforms that
won’t work.
While all this money is being paid out to consultants in
Wellington, not a single meter of pipe has been delivered
to communities in need. Labour simply can’t deliver.
Instead, Labour is addicted to spending and burning through cash on
Three Waters like there’s no tomorrow. On top of consultant
costs, it has spent $2.5 in bribes to
councils to try to convince them to support
Three Waters.
Meanwhile, I uncovered that they don’t know how much
the IST transition to their new entities will cost but that it could
be over $500 million.
Speaking at LGNZ
I spoke at at this year’s LGNZ conference where I set
out the fundamental principles that will guide National’s Three Waters
Labour doesn’t care what local
councils think and is more than happy to lay the blame
for problems at their feet, but National knows the solutions to all
our problems can’t be found in
Wellington. Only by partnering with Local
Government can we solve the real issues around Three Waters.
Our model will:
- maintain local ownership
of water assets and
respect local property rights.
- provide tools for asset owners to achieve sustainable financing
and revenue adequacy.
- provide a regulatory backstop for incentive management and water
quality within an efficient and effective regulatory environment.
- safeguard against privatisation.
- respect the role of mana whenua, but not introduce co-governance
of water assets.
- provide a financial assistance regime for districts that need it
and assistance with transitions to sustainable models.
The fight against Three Waters has just begun, and National will
fight the government every step of the way to stop these broken
reforms from going through.
If you haven’t already, please sign
our petition to stop Three Waters
Regards, Simon Watts | Spokesperson for Local