Dear John,
I don’t believe you can spend inflation away. But the far-Left seems to think they can . . .
The brand new "Inflation Reduction Act" is actually a $433 billion Schumer-Manchin tax-and-spend package!
This reckless package will be paid for by increasing taxes on hard-working Americans who are already struggling with skyrocketing energy prices and the highest inflation in four decades.
Yet, Joe Biden pledged not to raise taxes for Americans making less than $400,000 a year and yet, by 2023 this legislation is expected to increase taxes by $16.7 billion on American taxpayers earning less than $200,000 and by $14.1 billion from taxpayers earning between $200,000 and $500,000.
We need to deal with inflation head-on by reducing regulations on our businesses and encouraging them to invest, innovate, produce and manufacture here in the United States. We need some more adults in the room who are willing to provide immediate relief, along with long-term solutions based on economic principles, rather than quick-fix spending sprees.
Not more rubber stamps for the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer agenda, an agenda my opponent, Nikki Budzinski, is quite familiar with as a Biden Administration alum.
If you want CHANGE in Washington, vote for me.