Developing and advancing policies that enhance people’s freedom.


"Why are we so focused on what everyone's heritage is or what they look like? Why aren't we focused a little more on a diversity of opinions?"

- Adam Carolla 

This Bipartisan Plan Is the Most Progressive Approach to Paid Parental Leave



Tax Grinches (Sanders and Warren) Want to Kill Charitable Christmas Giving

The Story

Between now and midnight on December 31, Americans are expected to open their wallets to churches and nonprofit organizations during the biggest giving season of the year. As a result, America is the most charitable nation on the planet, giving nearly 1.5% of our gross domestic product annually. However, this impressive charitable spirit is under threat from grinches—including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders—who would reduce and discourage private giving.

In Short

Measures that discourage giving put at risk work that improves and even saves lives and moves our society toward greater progress, equality, and prosperity. Grinches that advocate for reducing deductions for charitable giving imply that it’s only the very wealthy who will be affected and who will carry a bigger burden, but really it’s charities and those they serve that will suffer. Taxpayers who are motivated by the tax savings will close their wallets when taxes rise or their ability to claim charitable gifts falls. Soaking the rich and draining the charitable sector to fill up government coffers are not effective policy solutions, and Americans should reject those grinches who would starve our nonprofit sector and rob our nation of its unique and admirable charitable spirit.



The Administration Just Issued a New Set of Rules to Make Healthcare Pricing More Transparent

The administration just issued a new set of rules to give patients the power to make healthcare choices that reflect what's best for them and their pocketbooks. These new rules go a long way to restore price transparency in health care so that you can know the price of healthcare services BEFORE you get care. Why is it that when you consume almost anything else, you have detailed information up front about what price you will pay, but in health care, you must wait until after the fact? (And often face unpredictably and unbelievably high prices?)


Linda Ronstadt Injects Insulting Political Note Into Kennedy Center Honors

Although the Kennedy Center Honors ceremony is considered one of Washington's great attractions, and this year's "political chatter was kept to a minimum," singer Linda Ronstadt ensured that political shade made it into the evening. The Grammy Award Winner insulted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the dinner the secretary of state traditionally hosts as part of the Honors weekend.


Real Historians Weigh in on The New York Times' 1619 Project

"Racism, as The New York Times sees it, is the defining trait of our country, in the past and now," says IWF Director of Cultural Programs Charlotte Hays. If you take seriously The New York Times' 1619 Project, you would believe that we started out racist and remain racist to our core.  

AOC Peddled Misinformation to Slam New Administration Food Stamp Reform

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is peddling misinformation again—this time about reforms to the federal food stamps program that aims to get able Americans working. The new food stamp reform is a reasonable and targeted reform. AOC, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and those on the left claiming that this reform will starve millions of people are simply wrong. It's compassionate to not just give a man a fish, but it’s even more compassionate to teach him to fish so he can feed himself and his family for the rest of their lives.

Candidate Bloomberg's Gun Proposals Have a New Twist: They Are Federal

Michael Bloomberg’s gun control proposals as a presidential candidate aren’t markedly different from those he has proposed or implemented as mayor, with one big difference: They’d all be federal. Bloomberg recently spoke at a private event in Aurora, Colorado to talk about his gun policies. IWF Senior Fellow Laura Carno says, "Because it was a private event, there was no one there to ask tough questions, such as why he proposes policies that have never been proven to reduce harm." She outlines the variety of policies that the mainstream media ignores.