This video shows Kansas voters feeling what we all felt on Tuesday.


John – In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v Wade, conservatives across the country wasted NO time trying to permanently codify abortion bans into state and federal law.


In Kansas, GOP extremists tried to sneak a deceptively-worded constitutional amendment through during what was expected to be a low-turnout primary election. But voters in Kansas had a different plan, and on Tuesday they overwhelmingly voted it down.


You have to see this. This is the moment that organizers in Kansas learned they had won:

An animated gif of a crowd of women jumping up and down, cheering, and crying with joy as they receive news that Kansas voters defeated the constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion. The clip is taken from a video posted by the Kansas City Star on their YouTube channel.

I have to say, this is how I felt on Tuesday night when I watched the results come in. I know if they can win this vote in Kansas, we can flip this Senate seat in Idaho.


I am the only openly gay U.S. Senate nominee in the country, and I will fight not only to protect abortion access, but ALL of our civil liberties.


We’ve got less than 100 days until the November election, and I could really use your help today to give our campaign a boost. Can you pitch in $25, $50, or even $100 today to help us flip this Senate seat?

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: The end of Roe changed EVERYTHING.


Democrats do not have the luxury of writing off “red states” as unwinnable. With Republicans plotting a federal ban on abortion, we have to fight for every single seat. Here in Idaho, the incumbent senator is deeply unpopular, even with Republicans. We CAN vote him out. 


If Kansans can overwhelmingly vote to save abortion access, then ANY state can elect pro-choice representatives in November.


Chip in now to support our historic campaign. I promise, no amount is too small.


We can do this. This is the year we can elect a Democrat in Idaho!


- David



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