![]() Patriot, The “Build Back Better Act,” now in its third iteration, is on the move in the U.S. Senate, and I need your help to stop it now. After nearly two years of back-and-forth, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is trashing his promise to oppose any Big Spending “Reconciliation” Boondoggle that would raise taxes in the middle of the worst price inflation in decades. . . . In typical Beltway-style, Manchin has crafted a “compromise” bill – now grossly misnamed the “Inflation Reduction Act” – that would not only raise taxes on the majority of already struggling Americans, but it would also INCREASE price inflation! But that’s not all. This dangerous bill also includes BILLIONS in additional funding for the IRS and provides MASSIVE funding to launch the Marxist “Green New Deal” scheme, a major building block for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda we’ve been warning you about. If this bill passes, hundreds of billions will be spent on “green energy” and fighting “climate change” to bring us in line with the globalists’ visions for the world. Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden need every last vote in order to pass this dangerous bill. It’s a tax-and-spend deal for hundreds of billions of dollars, raising taxes on the poor, middle, and upper classes alike, to pay for a “transition” from affordable energy to unaffordable energy. That’s why it’s so critical you click here to send your representative and senators your Directive to let them know you aren’t fooled and strenuously OPPOSE their across-the board tax hikes. And if you’ve already submitted your Directive, follow up by leaving a phone message with your representative and senators. Just call (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your legislators. Here is a simple script for your voice message: Hi, this is (your name) calling from (your city). I’m calling to
demand you vote NO on the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which would raise taxes and increase inflation.
The American economy is in a recession. We can’t afford another tax hike. The Joint Committee on Taxation reports this bill will RAISE TAXES on the huge majority of Americans, including the poor and middle class. This is absolutely the wrong direction for America. We need LOWER taxes and LESS wasteful government spending to get our economy moving again! Just look at what Democrats are trying to impose upon the American people, right now, while we’re in a recession: • Tax hikes for the vast majority of Americans,
including those making as little as $10,000 a year • Price inflation, which hurts everyone and especially working-class people • Tens of billions of dollars for the IRS, which will allow them to harass hard-working Americans like you • Massive funding for the Green New Deal/Great Reset agenda This bill even forces low-income taxpayers to subsidize the purchase of electric vehicles for families earning up to $300,000 a year! You and I can stop this scheme. We just need one Democrat senator, or a few in the House, to vote no. Right now, all eyes are on Democrat holdout Senator Kyrsten Sinema (AZ). But just before adjourning last night, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) voiced his own displeasure with the bill (unfortunately, because it isn’t radical enough!) With each passing day, more Americans are discovering Biden’s claim the bill won’t raise taxes is completely false. If we can bleed support in Congress now, you and I can stop this dangerous bill that will make our already bad economy worse. The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) – a supposedly nonpartisan congressional staff committee whose job it is to accurately analyze the tax impacts of proposed legislation – reports the bill would raise taxes on the vast majority of all Americans, and the poorest working Americans would be hit the most. Big Government advocates are hoping the media will be able to conceal the truth from the public: the Democrats are breaking a HUGE Biden campaign promise and central talking point. It’s up to us, right now, to prove them wrong! That’s why it’s so critical you click here to send your representative and senators your Directive to let them know you aren’t fooled and strenuously OPPOSE their across-the board tax hikes. And if you’ve already submitted your Directive, follow up by leaving a phone message with your representative and senators. Just call (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your legislators. Patriot, we CAN stop the Inflation Act if just one U.S. Senate Democrat votes no – and Republicans hold the line. Normally Republicans could stop a bill like this because of the Democrats’ slim majority. But this bill falls under “reconciliation,” which means the Big Government folks don’t need Republican support as long as they don’t have any defectors. But if enough patriots take action – they’ll see the political danger they’re putting themselves in. Some Democrats are in very tough races for re-election, and in the midst of the economic turmoil their constituents are facing, it will be a hard sell to run on raising taxes on those who are hurting the most. . . . . . but if you don’t call them out, they’ll feel safe to cast their vote for this terrible bill. So take a moment to send your lawmakers your Directive demanding they OPPOSE Biden’s tax-and-spend Inflation Act! And after you send your Directive, be sure to: 1) Pass this message on and alert your fellow patriots. 2) Follow up by calling your lawmakers at (202) 224-3121. You can use the script above or say whatever you like. 3) Support Campaign for Liberty with a contribution to help us reach and mobilize more people. ![]() Patriot, this could well be the last major battle in Congress before the November election. And you and I are so close to killing off the latest installment of Build Back Broke! No matter who your congressman and senators are, they need to hear from you! Sending your directive only takes a few seconds. Phone calls are equally as valuable in getting our message across. If we do not succeed, not only will your taxes increase, but prices will rise even more. There’s a $25 billion crude oil tax in the bill. That will hit every American. It will raise the price of gas and raise energy costs. It’s a regressive tax that will hit low-income people the hardest. So, please take a moment join me and DEMAND your lawmakers vote no! Please sign your Directive now by clicking here, and then afterward, make the largest donation you’re able to so we can keep fighting back against Big Government and their push for more. Whether your gift is $50 or $5,000, your support is needed now, more than ever. Thanks for all you do for Liberty. In liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman Campaign for Liberty P.S. Congress is scrambling to pass this Tax, Spend, and Inflate scheme, but with enough pushback from We the People, we can stop their plans in their tracks. Take just a few seconds to send your Directive and pass it on to your friends and family! And if you support the important work Campaign for Liberty does to expose, fight, and defeat this statist scheme and so many more, please support Campaign for Liberty with a contribution. Whether you can contribution $100, $200, or even $500, $1,000, or even $2,500 … or even if $50 or $25 is asking a lot, these tax hikes will harm us all. So please contribute what you can afford. Thank you so much! ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American
principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education,
issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |