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We are pleased to share that The Senate Project ™ series continues to host Oxford-style debates on timely topics of national interest between leading U.S. senators. On Monday, the series moved forward inside George Washington University’s Jack Morton Auditorium with Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Chris Murphy (D-CT).

Aired by C-SPAN and moderated by CBS News congressional correspondent Nikole Killion, the conversation focused on relevant issues of the moment including inflation, immigration, and the recent Supreme Court reversal of Roe vs. Wade. You can watch a recording of the full debate here.
Sen. Murphy said that while he and Sen. Portman disagree on policy issues, they have worked together on many issues and passed legislation together. “I hope you’ll see both sides of the Senate today – spirited argument but a desire to reach common ground.”

On the topic of working towards reaching consensus and common ground: “Despite how broken this institution looks from the outside, when you put together the acts, this is a pretty bipartisan Senate in terms of a 50/50 Senate … despite the debate we’ve had here I do have some hope,” said Sen. Murphy.

“We’ve passed some pretty good legislation. It’s never perfect … but I believe we’ve laid the predicate that there’s hope to be had,” said Sen. Portman.

Read a full recap of Monday's event here.
The goal of The Senate Project™ debate series is to reintroduce the culture of seeking common ground and consensus that has been the essence of the Senate since it was conceived in 1789. The launch of the series is fitting for this year, as the Kennedy Institute commemorates 60 years since Senator Kennedy began his 47-year tenure in the Senate. Throughout the year, we will be honoring and highlighting his service and legacy through a variety of programs. The Senate Project honors Senator Kennedy's commitment to bipartisan compromise when and where possible in seeking solutions and positive results for all Americans.

The Senator once said “I hope for an America where we can all contend freely and vigorously, but where we will treasure and guard those standards of civility.” (10/3/69). 
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