John, did you see these powerful words from a Houston police chief earlier in the week? Chief Art Acevedo criticized Republican lawmakers for not reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act and not taking action on gun reform.

He said, "And who killed our Sgt? A boyfriend abusing his girlfriend. So you're either here for women and children [daughters, sisters] and our aunts, or you're here for the NRA."

David Schweikert voted against the Violence Against Women Act earlier this year -- he effectively voted to endanger lives, of women, children and the brave individuals who risk their lives every day to protect us. His vote shows once again how reckless David Schweikert is.

Why does he vote this way? Because he is bought. Rep. Schweikert has taken almost $80K from the NRA while in office. He doesn't have our safety in mind, he has only his political career in mind.

If you're tired of the disregard for our safety and believe it's time for AZ06 to have a representative who will protect our families, I ask that you stand with me by making a grassroots donation today. Help us get Schweikert's voting record out to every voter.

Our own Scottsdale community was terrorized for multiple days last year when a man with a history of domestic assault killed 7 people. This happened in Schweikert's own district, but still, he votes against common sense safety. He has turned his back on us.

Intimate partner violence and gun violence in the United States are inextricably linked. The data doesn't lie. It is time for action. And it is time to vote out Reps like David Schweikert who trade our lives for profit.

Please give $10, $25, or more so we can continue to call out David Schweikert's record. With our next quarter deadline just weeks away, we must show the power of grassroots and the power of our voices for change.

Thank you,