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Race + Power Weekly

This Race + Power Weekly is about contesting narratives to build democratic power for social and policy change. Our first article reflects on a must-see webinar hosted by NPQ Fellow, Shanelle Matthews: NPQ editor, Kitana Ananda, on how movements for racial, gender, and economic justice are grappling with the rise of disinformation and misinformation. Next, Trevor Smith and Jhumpa Bhattacharya discuss the role of anti-Black narratives in policymaking—and the need to disrupt and change these narratives to achieve reparations for Black Americans and economic liberation for all. Then, two pieces from Matthews: first, on developing symbolic resources and power to ensure Black women and girls’ safety; the second, on the challenges of making nonprofit infrastructure pro-Black.

Combatting Disinformation and Misinformation: A Struggle for Democracy and Racial Justice

What the rapid spread of misinformation and disinformation means for democratic politics—and how today’s social movements for racial, gender, and economic justice can combat it. Read more…
A Fresh Look at Nonprofit Leadership
Join us at the Kellogg School Center for Nonprofit Management for an in-person or live virtual program and learn how you can get a fresh start at leading your organization.
Learn more here.

Black Americans Need Reparations: The Fight for the CTC Highlights the Roadblocks

To advance comprehensive reparations in the US, we must shift deeply rooted narratives about Blackness that continue to stand in the way of passing transformative, equitable, and healing policy measures. Read more…
Download these Top 10 Resources for Employee Engagement
UST recently compiled their top 10 resources and published the 2022 Employee Engagement Toolkit to help nonprofit employers rethink (and prioritize) the employee experience.
Get your complimentary eBook while supplies last!

To Build a Public Safety That Protects Black Women and Girls, Money Isn’t the Only Resource We Need

Through decentralized organizing, policymaking, electoral justice, narrative power strategy, and other tactical efforts, the Movement for Black Lives is reframing how we understand Black suffering in America. Read more…
Inspire Change at Social Current’s SPARK 2022
Convene with leaders from across the human services ecosystem to elevate important conversations around society’s most vexing challenges at SPARK 2022 in Baltimore, Sept. 13-14.
Register Today

Fitting Pro-Blackness Into the Nonprofit Infrastructure

Shanelle Matthews uncovers why Pro-Blackness is not commensurate with the traditional nonprofit sector and proposes a solution to correct that. Read more…
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