Warning of disaster is not completely thankless when others join in and offer their support. Perhaps even Cassandra wasn't disbelieved by everyone. In recent weeks, we've been doing a lot of warning and appreciating a lot of support.

We've warned against pointlessly increasing hostility with China, in a widely published column by RootsAction National Director Norman Solomon and a very popular email-Congress action. RootsAction also emailed thousands of supporters who live in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district, promoting a diyRootsAction petition and inviting them to a demonstration in front of her San Francisco office — which protested her imminent dangerous visit to Taiwan. News coverage of the demonstration included a major article in the New York Times. We've helped convey to the world a U.S. desire for peace, and convey to U.S. officials the need to tone down the bellicosity.

We've been warning against reckless steps toward a world war with Russia, as well, not just China. This includes developing our new coalition to Defuse Nuclear War which is working on plans to pressure Congress Members in their districts. We've also planned an event for Washington DC on August 5 called "77 Years Later: Eliminate Nukes, Not Life on Earth." We're promoting legislation to ban nuclear weapons and move the funding to where it's needed.

We've been warning for years now of the need for a Green New Deal, as well as the need to not let Democrats make excuses and skate by on little more than not being Republicans. We may be seeing movement in the U.S. Senate on a weak imitation of a Green New Deal; we've got to keep pushing.

Our Don’t Run Joe campaign, warning not to nominate Joe Biden for reelection, is gaining traction, including with a widely published column by RootsAction Policy Director Jeff Cohen.

We're organizing to amplify the warning not to head into Congressional elections without canceling student debt. Allowing a temporary pause to end and demanding payments now would be disastrous for everyone involved.

We've also been warning about the buying of Democratic primaries by AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which just unseated Andy Levin, one of the candidates we've supported, and failed to unseat Rashida Tlaib, another we've supported. AIPAC targets candidates based on Israeli positions, but spends millions of dollars to buy ads on unrelated, more popular topics, as discussed by this week's guest on the podcast of RootsAction Campaign Coordinator David Swanson.

The Coordinator of The Project for Accountability of the RootsAction Education Fund, CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling, is warning what can happen when you treat whistleblowers like criminals.

One final warning: We are currently in the longest period without a minimum wage increase since Congress established the federal minimum wage in 1938. Nothing good will come of this. Change it now.
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-- The RootsAction.org Team