Due to our unfair tax system and a rigged economy, the wealth of the roughly 750 US billionaires grew by $2 TRILLION (and rising) during the first two years of the pandemic.
With Citizens United rules enacted, billionaires pumped at least $1.2 billion into the 2020 election. They donated to candidates working to lower their taxes, ignore climate change, discredit our elections, and take away our freedoms.
Wealth doesn’t just beget more wealth - it gives rise to more power. Taxing the mega rich for their fair share will restrain their influence and give grassroots candidates a fair chance to represent us.
Tell Congress that it is time for the government to work for all of us, not just those who can buy politicians. Sign our petition for a tax on billionaire wealth.
The top 1% has more than 15 times the wealth of the bottom 50% COMBINED. We live in another gilded age, a time when billionaires take joy rides in space, monopolize the economy, keep wages low, and bribe politicians.
And, the effective tax rate for billionaires is often far less than the average worker in America.
It is time for the super-rich to pay their fair share! Their ability to influence our government is crippling democracy. This should be a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
Add your name and tell Congress to tax the wealth of billionaires! They can't lay waste to our democracy!
When humanity measures wealth by love, truth, and wisdom we will all be rich.
The Six PAC
The Six PAC is a Federal PAC created to support six carefully selected rural and progressive Democrats. We will focus on candidates who need early money, who face tough primaries against establishment candidates, and who are committed to building power for their community. We will accept no corporate money. This is grassroots money for grassroots candidates. Chip in $3 or more to our work here.
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Paid for by the Six PAC, thesixpac.com, not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate’s committee. FPPC ID #1438880
To contribute by mail, send a check to:
The Six PAC
c/o Taylor Kovach, Deane & Co.
1787 Tribute Rd Suite K
Sacramento, CA 95815