From Brand New Congress <[email protected]>
Subject Odessa can do this
Date August 4, 2022 4:03 PM
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John – Today is election day in Tennessee, and BNC’s Odessa Kelly is on the ballot.
Odessa is running unopposed in the Democratic primary for TN-07, which means that today she will officially become the nominee.
Odessa’s general election opponent is Republican Rep. Mark Green, a man with a vile and well documented history of homophobia. Green has referred to transgender folks as “a disease” and has argued that Tennessee should revoke the right for same-sex couples to marry. He’s also described LGBTQIA+ acceptance as “tolerating immorality.”
Defeating Mark Green and sending Odessa to be the first openly gay Black woman to serve in Congress would be such a clear and forceful rebuke of his bigotry that flipping the seat would almost be a bonus.
In less than 100 days we are going to make history by electing Odessa. Are you in? Pitch in now and split a contribution between Odessa and Brand New Congress. [[link removed]]
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Just recently, Odessa’s opponent – a physician – voted AGAINST capping insulin prices and AGAINST the PACT Act to protect veterans suffering from exposure to toxic fumes from burn pits during their service.
Odessa is a career civil servant, organizer and activist, born and raised in Nashville who has been fighting for working people all her life. As a working class, gay Black woman and mother of two, Odessa has seen firsthand the ways in which the system fails working families and marginalized people – and she’s been on the front lines to change that.
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We have less than 100 days to help Odessa flip this seat and oust a homophobe who has no business in Congress. Will you split a contribution between Odessa and Brand New Congress right now to give her a jump start on the general election? [[link removed]]
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This week voters in Kansas proved that progressive values can win in red states. That’s why we have to fight for every seat. Odessa’s victory in November would send a loud and clear message that we will not stand by while bigots and cowards strip our rights and sell us out.
Brand New Congress is proud to back Odessa and her bold, transformative campaign to bring real working-class representation to the South.
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Join us, and let’s get Odessa elected.
Brand New Congress
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Since 2016 BNC has led the way in advancing popular policies like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. We invest EARLY to help grassroots candidates succeed. We recruited and elected AOC in 2018 and Cori Bush in 2020 alongside Jamaal Bowman and Rashida Tliab. And we have our first win of 2022: Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick won her primary by FIVE votes thanks to BNC.
We have elections from now until November, and our candidates are counting on your support. Pitch in today and join us as we take over Congress and return power to the people.
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Brand New Congress
P.O. Box 972
Pearland, TX 77588
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