SUPGV went to Washington!

SUPGV and state affiliates were honored with an invite from President Biden to mark the bipartisan 2022 Safer Communities Act. Although the new law doesn't include everything on our list, it was still a momentous occasion. Watch Biden's video here.

After 30 years of the Senate's impasse on gun law reform, the stalemate has been broken. But the work goes on. Our affiliates continue to advocate for life-saving laws at the state and federal level.

State Legislative News

  • California Governor Newsom holds the gun industry accountable with new legislation that allows private citizens to bring civil action against anyone who manufactures, distributes, transports or imports assault weapons or ghost guns, which are banned in the state.
  • North Carolina Governor Cooper vetoed house bill 49 that would've compromised the state's conceal carry permitting law.

Recent Impact in States after the NY Bruen Ruling.

  • A federal judge has temporarily suspended an assault rifle ban passed by Superior, Colorado in 2021. Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and National Association for Gun Rights joined Superior resident Charles Walker in suing the town claiming Second and Fourteenth Amendment violations.
  • Massachusetts Senate and House passed an amendment to shore up the state's gun licensing laws in response to Bruen. Governor Baker has 10 days to sign, veto, or amend bills, but the Legislature will not be in formal sessions to override his vetoes. 

VICTORY! On July 12th, the Senate confirmed Steve Dettelbach for Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Dettlebach’s confirmation was in the wake of several high-profile mass shootings in Buffalo, Uvalde and Highland Park. 

ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN The Congressional House finally passed the Assault Weapons Ban on the final day of session, July 29, 2022. Not surprisingly, the vote was largely partisan and GVP advocates anticipate a stall in the Senate. 

GUN INDUSTRY LIABILITY SHIELD Rep Adam Schiff's bill to repeal PLCAAA did not get the votes and failed to pass in the House.



After nearly three decades of advocacy and GVP awareness efforts, Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence (OCAGV) founder and former SUPGV Board member Toby Hoover is retiring.

The Ohio Council of Churches (OCC) and OCAGV are combining their advocacy and educational efforts. OCC will take the lead on their commitment to reduce gun violence. 

We are grateful to Toby's decades of service to the GVP movement. Enjoy retirement!


SUPGV goes back to Washington!

As part of our mission to support our affiliates with education and coalition building, we're hosting our first in-person conference since pandemic this Fall. Costs for lodging alone is $400 for two nights. Please help us bring as many states to the conference with a donation today!

Thank you for joining our movement to stop gun violence! Your donation is tax-deductible.


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