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Thursday, August 4th, 2022


The Fentanyl Crisis: Brought to You By Drug Prohibition

Brian McGlinchey

Rothbard vs. the Religion of Progressivism

Joseph T. Salerno

Presidents Kill Because They Can

Andrew P. Napolitano

Ukraine Claims it Needs $750 Billion More to ‘Build Back Better’

Jordan Schachtel

Nancy Pelosi’s Utterly Reckless Election-Season Gambit.

David Stockman

More Hand-Wringing About the Radical Right

Paul Gottfried

Republicans Attack Matt Walsh for Telling the Truth About Slavery

Andrea Widburg

Biden Weaponizing Justice Department To Force States Into Abortion Compliance

Randy DeSoto

The Anti-China Brainwashing Is Working: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Caitlin Johnstone


James Howard Kunstler

Biden Regime Frustrated as Parents Refuse To Sacrifice Their Children to Covid Vaccine Industry

Ethan Huff

Globalist Cabal Promotes Diet of Bugs — and Cannibalism

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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