URGENT WEDNESDAY MORNING UPDATE: We need your extreme generosity to defeat House AMNESTY vote The vote is scheduled for today on bill which could give amnesty to well more than a million!
Dear John, The most harmful AMNESTY bill in years is scheduled to be voted on TODAY in the U.S. House of Representatives. You have been getting updates and Action Alerts from Roy and Chris ever since. We are so thankful for the thousands of citizens who have kept the phones ringing with opposition to the bill in congressional offices the last few days. Besides making a phone call yourself, please send a donation now to support this massive mobilization effort. H.R. 5038 could give amnesty to well more than a million illegal-alien agricultural workers. That number is according to the amnesty advocates at Farmworker Justice. This bill is especially dangerous because it is bipartisan. Twenty-four Republican Representatives have joined with Pelosi's Democrats to amnesty almost all illegal alien ag workers now in the United States, and who knows how many who will fake being ag workers like the last ag amnesty in 1986? This may give the idea to the President and the Senate that this bill is what Americans want. BUT IT ISN'T! More about the bill in a minute. But first, I want to remind you about NumbersUSA's record of defeating every single amnesty attempt of the 21st century so far. We can defeat this one too, but it will take your help to get it done. When vote week comes around during these massive amnesty bills, we send enormous numbers of faxes and emails from our millions of members. BUT CONGRESS WILL NOT CHANGE ITS MIND WITH ONLY FAXES AND E-MAILS. During vote week, WE DROWN CONGRESS IN THOUSANDS OF PHONE CALLS FROM CONSTITUENTS. It's not enough for voters to oppose an amnesty. Congressmen have to FEEL their opposition! A very prominent Senator told me in 2016, "The only thing that Senators care about is phone calls." Well, this week we're calling Representatives, not Senators. There are a LOT more Congressmen than Senators, so the total number of calls we have to produce is much higher. Our members make tons of toll-free calls for us to their members of Congress. But we need as many people as possible to phone Congress. The best way we can guarantee that the Reps' phones are ringing off the hook is to actively help voters outside our membership reach Congress. But these strategies are very costly. WE NEED THE MONEY NOW -- PLEASE HELP US! Our Capitol Hill team tells us we have a chance of defeating this bill if enough voters phone in their protests. If the bill does manage to squeak by the House, we want to discourage the Senate so much that they bail out of taking the bill up at all. Daniel, I have to be frank with you. We have raised far less than our NumbersUSA Action minimum budget goals for many months in a row. So many friends of ours had assumed that a big ugly amnesty battle would not happen with Pres. Trump in the White House. But it has, and we are not financially prepared!
What's so bad about this bill? As our NumbersUSA Fact Sheet states: "H.R. 5038 would give amnestyincluding work permits, green cards, and a path to citizenshipto illegal aliens who have been unlawfully employed in agriculture at least part time during the past two years. In fact, illegal aliens who spent just most weekends working in agriculture over two years would qualify, since only 1,035 hours or 180 workdays are required." But it's even worse than that. There's also the indentured servitude aspect of the bill. To quote the fact sheet again: "Under H.R. 5038, if an alien worked unlawfully in agriculture for at least 10 years prior to the date of enactment, that alien will be granted Certified Agricultural Worker (CAW) status for 5 years with an employment authorization document that allows him or her to work for any employer in the United States, in agriculture or not. After four years in CAW status, the alien can apply for a green card and the path to citizenship, if the alien worked in agriculture for at least 575 hours or 100 workdays in each of those four years." Some workers would only have to work an additional 4 years, and others would need to work eight years. This bill would formalize and expand the complete takeover of agricultural labor in the U.S. by foreign workers. Americans would likely never be able to work in this field again, even though half a million U.S. citizens and permanent residents do so now. Is this the direction we want to take our country? NO!!!! To keep it from happening, I need to hear from you TODAY! Remember, the money has, in effect, already been spent. But can we pay the bill??? Please remember to donate to NumbersUSA Action. ONLY NumbersUSA Action can pay for phone calls, phone banks, faxes, report cards, lobbying, and all the other things people know us for. Donations to Action are non-tax-deductible, but I am sure you would agree with me that there are times like these when the benefits of helping our country outweigh the benefits of tax deductions.
You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Keep the faith and don't ever give up! Jim Robb P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected]. P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help. |