You and every single one of her supporters, voters, volunteers, and grassroots donors helped us get here.
Big news, John. Pramila has won her primary in WA-7!
Now, we are fully focused on re-electing Pramila in November, protecting our Democratic majority by supporting Democrats in tough, swing districts, and helping elect people-first progressives across the country so we can build support for Medicare for All and bold progressive change.
John, chip in now to fuel Pramila’s work in a critical midterm election year!

A big coalition helped Pramila win this primary. You and every single one of her supporters, voters, volunteers, and grassroots donors. Endorsements from unions, abortion rights groups, and gun safety organizations. And a huge endorsement from Senator Bernie Sanders.
Our work to keep Democrats in control of Congress, and keep the extreme GOP out of power, continues full steam ahead, just as Pramila’s fight for the people continues each and every day.
As Pramila’s work goes on, she continues to need your grassroots support to fight for us, our rights, our democracy, and a better country for all. So, can you chip in $3 today to fuel her work?
Thank you for your support. Pramila wouldn’t be here without a people-first movement for bold and transformative change behind her.
In solidarity,
Team Jayapal