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OMG John for my birthday this year, my team at Abortion Access Front has really outdone themselves.

Because of their hard work, filming and photographing anti- abortion extremists violating clinics and patients… they were able to make happen ... wait for it….

 A restraining order for the biggest Christian anti-abortion extremists to prevent them from entering a clinic in Nashville!

Lizz Winstead smiling at the camera. She has long grey hair and cool glasses.
Ugliest bunch of annoying white guys holding up court orders while smiling at the camera. Photoshopped balloons over their head read

 Aw thanks guys! You shouldn’t have!



Best part? They have to show up to court THIS Friday, ON MY ACTUAL BIRTHDAY!!!  Pop the champers!

So who are they and how did it all go down? OOH, GOOD STORY!!

Well, last week, Operation Save Abortion America (OSA), Jesus’ least favorite groupies, got together in Nashville for their annual conference hatefest. AAF and Co were not about to let these hueless master-racists take over the Honky Tonk Highway without a lil push back! 

Abortion Access Front joined a collaboration of over a dozen abortion activists from around the country called #JezebelRebellion, and together we disrupted and counter-protested their narrative at their churches, the statehouse, and all over the streets of Nashville. 

Wherever OSA showed up, we were there. 

Abortion Access Front's Kristin Hady giving extremists a taste of their own medicine.


Jezebel Rebellion also filmed and photographed OSA trespassing at clinics, and captured their planning meetings and strategy sessions on video.  

Collecting the info, tracking their moves, knowing where these shit-stains planned to strike was a lot of work but -

  • We were able to stop OSA from an attempted clinic blockade and two attempted clinic invasions!
  • Tennesseans (who already are unable to access abortion in their home state 6 weeks past their last period) were able to KEEP THEIR APPOINTMENTS. The clinic stayed open! The people got their abortions! 

Thanks to AAF and the Jezebel Rebellion, the Nashville clinic got the evidence they needed to file a restraining order and serve e v e r y b o d y, AND the incidents may be considered a federal violation per the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.  

This is a BIG DEAL. Blockades are incredibly destructive and harmful to clinic practices and patients, so being able to stop them is HUGE and at least SOME of these Christian extremists will face consequences for their actions. 


I know what you’re thinking - But Lizz! I didn’t get you anything for your birthday! 

Well, how about you become a monthly donor  to Abortion Access Front?

Button that says

In honor of my birthday (and 7 years of leading the bad-ass team of AAF), you can get a tee-shirt when you start a recurring donation of $15.00 or more a month

And while I am a generous Leo, this deal only lasts until August 12th so hop to it!

Thanks for being a part of this ride and supporting our work.



Lizz Winstead

Co-Creator, The Daily Show

Founder and Chief Creative Officer, Abortion Access Front


540 Court St PMB 3012 | Brooklyn, New York 11231 

[email protected]

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