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Our work continues...
NDRN name and logo.
Sunstorm stories graphic. White letters and a microphone overlayed on a yellow sun and gray clouds with a blue background.

Catch Our Sunstorm Stories

In collaboration with Foundations for Divergent Minds and the Johns Hopkins Disability Research Center, NDRN is proud to share with you Sunstorm Stories! This project continues our efforts to prioritize the pandemic experiences of people of color with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities. The stories are featured in short, narrative videos aimed at urging medical professionals to meaningfully improve inclusion, enhance access and prevent discriminatory treatment. Listen to these storytellers share their experiences, ideas, and recommendations for how we can collectively build a more equitable public healthcare system.

An individual facing the camera with their hand up, blocking view of their face, and indicating stop.

NDRN to Congress: Ban Shock Devices

In a letter to Congressional leadership, NDRN called for urgent action on legislation that would ban the use of electrical stimulation devices, also known as shock treatment. Electrical stimulation devices are ineffective methods of treatment, and place individuals at risk of burns, ulcers, anxiety, panic, trauma, depression, and other physical and psychological harms. NDRN member agencies have represented individuals who have been burned, scarred, and traumatized from exposure to these devices.

An elementary school student stands before school doors about to enter. He has a blue backpack.

NDRN Welcomes School Discipline Guidance

The Department of Education has issued new guidance on school-based discipline. The guidance defines and cautions against the increasing practice of informal school removals, which, in their many forms, effectively deny education and supportive services to students without the protection of federal law. Informal removal is a term coined by NDRN staff. It was the subject of a recent NDRN investigative report, Out from the Shadows: Informal Removal of Children with Disabilities from Public Schools.

A woman in an airplane aisle chair being carried up the steps of an airplane by two airport employees.

Making Lavatories Accessible on Planes

The Department of Transportation (DOT) carried out a second round of comments through a notice of proposed rulemaking to inquire about how to modify single aisle aircrafts to include accessible lavatories for wheelchair users. Read our comments.

A colorful drawing of a woman standing at a voter kiosk with a white cane leaning on one side.

Protecting Voter Rights
NDRN and others declare that any state or jurisdiction that terminates use of an accessible voting system is in clear violation of existing law and is at high risk of litigation. Voting technologies designed to improve the accessibility of ballot marking, verifying, and the casting of votes for all voters (such as direct recording electronic voting systems or other voting systems equipped for individuals with disabilities) are required by federal law.

the United States Capitol Building

Take Action: Work Without Worry

The Work Without Worry Act would allow Americans with disabilities to take on employment opportunities without fear of losing social security benefits, known as Disabled Adult Child (DAC) benefits.


If you think it is important for NDRN to continue to protect and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, please donate to support this work. Thank you!


National Disability Rights Network
820 First Street NE Suite 740 | Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 408-9514 | [email protected]

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