
Honor of a lifetime

All of us are waking up to the results of Arizona’s primary today. The whole country looked on with anticipation to see if Trump backed candidates would prevail. A major reason I took action and began devoting my energy to local politics was to help restore reason and respect to our leadership; to support courageous leaders working for what is right. Even though my time in politics has been brief (a whole nine months!), I am immensely proud and grateful for the opportunity of a lifetime to represent the values of my district.

Unfortunately, last nights House race wasn’t the outcome we were hoping for here at Team Liguori, but nevertheless, I am overcome with gratitude for the hours, energy, dollars, and trust you’ve placed in me the past year. It has been a tremendous honor both to serve you in the House this past session and also be a candidate in the greatest district in Arizona. Congratulations to Rep. Jennifer Longdon and Rep. Amish Shah, our next representatives for LD5.

Thank you to our volunteers, my neighbors, every single one of you who voted for me (7,500+!), put my sign in your yard, and told your friends about our platform. My kitchen cabinet - filled with amazing women, and campaign team - Agave Strategies, Hey Joe Media, Sutton & Smart, for bringing me so far! Finally, thank you to my family. Serving in the House and campaigning while being a working mom of little ones wasn’t easy, but my family has been loving, patient, and encouraging every step of the way.

Thank you for being on this journey with me! I will continue to make progress on affordable housing and climate issues during my remaining months at the Capitol. I will continue devoting all my energy to ensuring Katie Hobbs, Julie Gunnigle, Kris Mayes, and the rest of the candidates we need to elect in November win their rightful seats. Thank you once again to everyone who believed in me. I will still be here for Democrats and in this fight for our future.

On to the next chapter together,


Paid for by Sarah Liguori for State. Approved by Sarah Liguori