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Editor's Note:

Everyone has heard and probably has an opinion about Chick-fil-A's recent decision to discontinue its donations to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. A previously dependable defender of the Christian values on which the company has operated since its founding, the chicken sandwich king seems to have given in to the demands of intolerant LGBTQ extremists. As David Limbaugh describes in WND, however, this is more than a disagreement about a company's charitable donations. We are moving toward increasing totalitarianism by leftists as they seek to name, shame, and defame anyone or anything that doesn't bow to their radical ideology. No one — corporations, churches, small business owners, schools, and ordinary citizens — is safe from being a target. Will anyone stand his ground? Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
December 11, 2019
Leftist bullying works: The Chick-fil-A wake-up call

Chick-fil-A's disappointing decision to discontinue donations to "controversial" Christian charities is emblematic of the power of political correctness and the bullying left that drives it. If the previously stalwart Chick-fil-A folds, who is left standing to fight?

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Confirmed speakers include: David Limbaugh, Mary Eberstadt (Primal Screams-Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll), Andy Puzder (Capitalist Comeback); Walt Heyer (My 'Trans'formation); Jarrett Stepman (War on History); Karen England (Comprehensive Sex Ed's Goal); and many more!
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