From Mark Kelly <[email protected]>
Subject We have our opponent
Date August 3, 2022 12:46 PM
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It’s official: We have our Republican opponent in Arizona. Here’s what that means for our race:
Experts all over the country agree: Arizona is going to be one of the closest races in the country this year. And now that the stage is set for November, all eyes are on us.
And with more attention comes more money. Our opponent is backed by an out-of-state billionaire in the Silicon Valley, and his Super PAC can spend virtually unlimited sums of money on this race — whatever it takes to defeat us. National Republicans, corporate special interests, and dark money groups are ready to spend millions of dollars on attack ads.
To top it all off, my opponent has the full support and endorsement of Donald Trump. So we can expect more rallies and attacks from the former president aimed at amping up his base. All the strength Trump can drum up is on its way.
I know you’ve gotten a lot of emails from me recently, but we can’t start the general election off on the wrong foot. And right now, we’re falling behind our fundraising goals.
So, please: Split a $25 contribution between our people-powered campaign and CommonGood. [[link removed]]
DONATE $25 [[link removed]]
DONATE $35 [[link removed]]
DONATE $50 [[link removed]]
DONATE $100 [[link removed]]
DONATE $250 [[link removed]]
Donate ANy [[link removed]]
The amount isn’t as important as the donation itself, because it’s going to take A LOT of people chipping in as much as they can to reach our goal. Help us fight back and win this November.
Thank you,
(This is a sponsored send hosted by CommonGood. CommonGood is dedicated to helping Democratic campaigns and organizations win critical races in Virginia and across the country.)

Common Good Virginia
PO Box 26112
Arlington, VA 22215
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