Community-level gun violence exposure has long-term consequences for DC students' school performance, educational attainment, and earnings potential. Mitigating those consequences is a meaningful benefit of effective violence reduction.
Property owners living near proposed affordable housing developments often oppose them, citing fear of declining property values. But affordable units in Alexandria are associated with a small but statistically significant increase in nearby property values.
Using additional data on property condition and artificial intelligence techniques, the authors expand on previous research on racially disparate AVM error. Even with improvements, AVM error is still greater in majority-Black neighborhoods.
During interviews with 36 child care providers participating in DC’s quality rating and improvement system, Urban researchers heard favorable experiences with most program components and a range of recommendations for improvements.
In DC, early educators’ participation in online training peaked during the height of the pandemic, with 75 percent of educators reporting they benefitted a lot from virtual training. Educators also shared their preferences for future virtual learning topics.
Nearly half of 417 surveyed early educators in DC reported reductions in their work hours and lost income during the pandemic. This critical workforce continues to face low wages, limited employee benefits, and for some, unsupportive working conditions.
Although most surveyed early educators in DC reported being very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their jobs, some would have second thoughts about taking their job again. Findings suggest many early educators desire better compensation and more respect.