Urban Empowerment Action, a Wall Street-backed SuperPac, pledged to spend over $1 million to unseat progressive champion Rep. Rashida Tlaib… and thanks to authentic people power, they failed!
Rashida is a true and undaunted fighter for the people. Her good work shows she has our back. And we will have hers.
The Six PAC supported Rashida’s re-election with $15,000 in digital and TV ads - all funded by grassroots donors like you!
Powerful special interests are trying to buy our elections.
Well, not today… Rashida won her primary with the help of thousands of everyday people, not dark money PACs.
Now, SuperPACs are trying to unseat other progressives in November – and how many races we can target depends on grassroots support.
We have the power to fight for what we believe in!
The Six PAC
The Six PAC is a Federal PAC created to support six carefully selected rural and progressive Democrats. We will focus on candidates who need early money, who face tough primaries against establishment candidates, and who are committed to building power for their community. We will accept no corporate money. This is grassroots money for grassroots candidates. Chip in $3 or more to our work here.
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Paid for by the Six PAC, thesixpac.com, not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate’s committee. FPPC ID #1438880
To contribute by mail, send a check to:
The Six PAC
c/o Taylor Kovach, Deane & Co.
1787 Tribute Rd Suite K
Sacramento, CA 95815