Extremists like Doug LaMalfa and Ted Cruz claim to love the military, but what they actually mean is



There's a lot going on so I wanted to make sure this didn't get lost in the noise.


Late last week, Republicans in the Senate blocked the passage of the The PACT Act -- a bill that would have delivered critical resources to veterans suffering the long-term effects of burn pits. 


If you don't know, the toxic chemicals burned near soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have caused cancers and lung problems ever since -- and will only get worse as my generation of veterans gets older. The burn pit issue has been called the Global War on Terror's Agent Orange: first denied by the government, then under-resourced, and only belatedly recognized as a real problem.


That Republicans blocked this bill is the height of GOP hypocrisy. Extremists like Doug LaMalfa and Ted Cruz claim to love the military, but what they actually mean is that they love guys with guns that they can order around. They want a parade on demand, and they're happy to vote for war after war, but they don't want to pay for the lives they've ruined.


We need to pressure Republicans into passing this bill. If they get away with such open betrayal of our country's veterans, think what they will do to our constitution if given the opportunity.


As a combat veteran, I see our soldiers as real people serving their country -- not props that serve politicians. We can do better than LaMalfa. If you’re with me, please chip in $10 to stand up to these hypocrites politicians and flip this seat.


Thank you, 


Max Steiner

Democrat and Combat Veteran For Congress

Paid for by Max Steiner for Congress 2485 Notre Dame Blvd, Ste 370 #194 Chico, CA 95928