Any amount you can give to our Primary Victory Fund will make a huge impact.

Ilhan for Congress

It’s official, team: We’re one week away from Ilhan’s competitive primary.

Our campaign is hard at work these last few days — knocking on doors and hitting the phones, running digital ads, sending out mailers and yard signs, and preparing for a huge get-out-the-vote weekend with the help of the Squad!

We aren’t slowing down for a second. We just printed 15,000 more pieces of campaign literature to get our progressive message out to as many voters as we can.

None of this would be possible without grassroots supporters like you. While Ilhan’s conservative primary opponent often relies on larger donations, small-dollar donations of $5, $10, and $25 at a time power our campaign.

Your contributions are especially important today as we reach voters where they’re at and make sure our opponent doesn’t silence our message with his TV ads and misleading mailers. That’s why we’re reaching out exactly a week before the primary:

We’ve set a goal of bringing in 3,500 donors to establish Ilhan’s Primary Victory Fund. Will you become a Founding Donor by chipping in any amount? We’ll put your donation right to work reaching voters in this final stretch.


If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to chip in, that moment is now. Your donation will go further today than it will any other day before the primary. Thank you for doing what you can ahead of this critical race.

— Team Ilhan