Join Fight Against Prop. 1Prop. 1 is an attempt by lawmakers to enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution. Though they want to make it seem like this is codifying current abortion rights in


Join Fight Against Prop. 1

Prop. 1 is an attempt by lawmakers to enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution. Though they want to make it seem like this is codifying current abortion rights into the state constitution, the reality is that it is a worst-case scenario for abortion in California. 

The language in Prop. 1 (formerly SCA 10) is extremely vague and goes far beyond Roe, with no restrictions on late-term abortions, which could be performed for any reason, at any time, even moments before birth.

Prop. 1 is also handing lawmakers a blank check to pay for abortion in the state. There is currently no oversight for abortion funding in California, and even sister organizations to Planned Parenthood have been quoted as saying they will seek additional funding from the legislature if needed. 

Don’t let this misleading and dangerous amendment become part of the state constitution. 


Join the fight against Prop. 1 now!



Lawmakers will be back in Sacramento on Monday to close out the last month of the two-year legislative session. 

The last chance for bills to pass before the Aug. 31 deadline, there will be a flurry of activity at the Capitol to push bills to Governor Newsom’s desk.  

Still on the table are several bills dealing with expanding abortion services, removing parents from kids’ vaccination decisions, expanding paid family leave, and death penalty reform. 

As bills move quickly, there will be a flood of alerts coming through The Legislative Network. Please take a few moments to contact your lawmakers on these important issues. 

You can always visit for the latest on alerts. 



The U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision on abortion has generated enormous conflict, some confusion, and calls for new responses and policy choices on an issue that has deeply divided Americans for decades.

In mid-July, California Catholic Conference Executive Director Kathleen Domingo participated in a panel for Georgetown University’s Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life panel that explored such questions as:

  • How does this decision create opportunities, obstacles, and challenges for the pro-life, Catholic, and faith communities?
  • What are the responsibilities of pro-life leaders and others in responding to the Dobbs decision? 
  • How will this shift on abortion law affect the broader political context, including the 2022 midterm elections and the next presidential race in 2024? 
  • Where does the pro-life movement go after Dobbs? What will change? What will stay the same? What should the movement’s priorities be?


View the event here



Washington - On July 25, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued proposed revisions to its regulations implementing Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which would force health care workers to perform gender transition procedures, require health insurance issuers to cover them, and entertain a mandate to perform elective abortions. The USCCB issued the following statement:

“Catholics have been called to care for the sick since the earliest days of our faith. Today, the various agencies and social service ministries of the Catholic Church, taken together, are equivalent to the largest nonprofit health care provider in the country. We do this work in fulfillment of the direct command of Jesus Christ and in imitation of his divine ministry here on Earth.

“Catholic health care ministries serve everyone, no matter their race, sex, belief system, or any other characteristic. The same excellent care will be provided in a Catholic hospital to all patients, including patients who identify as transgender, whether it be for a broken bone or for cancer, but we cannot do what our faith forbids. We object to harmful procedures, not to patients.

“The proposed regulations announce that HHS is also considering whether to force health care workers to perform abortions against their will or lose their jobs. We call on HHS to explicitly disavow any such intent.

Continue Reading at



The USCCB Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism has just published guidelines for a Holy Hour Against Racism. The suggested liturgy is a great way to engage your parish in discussions of racism and to pray together for an end to racism in our community and society. 

The Ad HocFor the guidelines and lots of other great resources, including bulletin inserts, homily aids, prayer resources, backgrounders, and videos, can be found here



Speaking Thursday to a group of priests, bishops, deacons, consecrated persons, seminarians, and pastoral workers at the Cathedral Basilica of Notre-Dame de Québec, Pope Francis urged those present to model Christian joy and fraternity to those to whom they minister. 

“Christian joy is about the experience of a peace that remains in our hearts, even when we are pelted by trials and afflictions, for then we know that we are not alone, but accompanied by a God who is not indifferent to our lot. When seas are rough: The storm is always on the surface but the depths remain calm and peaceful. That is also true of Christian joy: It is a free gift, the certainty of knowing that we are loved, sustained and embraced by Christ in every situation in life,” the pope said in his homily as part of a Vespers service at the cathedral. 


To read more about the Pope’s trip to Canada, visit




Aug. 3, 2022 | Vol. 15, No. 25

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