VIEW for insights about her latest visits to Israel, Saudi Arabia and Latin America
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John, last week I had the privilege to sit down with Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt, a longtime friend of mine and the ADL community.

New to her role as Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism at the U.S. Department of State, she has already travelled broadly to share the importance of her mission, recently visiting five countries in four weeks including a trip to Israel in the Presidential delegation, as well as to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. I for one am inspired to know that she will be on the ground in countries around the world, fighting antisemitism for all of us.

Deborah Lipstadt and Jonathan Greenblatt conversation

I want to share a short video with you featuring important moments from our lengthy conversation, along with the full recording, since the Special Envoy shared a number of fascinating insights including her promising discussions with Saudi leaders about antisemitism.

The Special Envoy and I talked about the antisemitism inherent in the BDS movement and anti-Zionism. As she pointed out, “when someone has a singular focus only on the wrongs of Israel, you have to ask what this is really about.”

She spoke of moving moments she experienced, including touring Yad Vashem alongside President Biden while he paused his busy visit to kneel and chat with Holocaust survivors, and going to Argentina on the anniversary of the deadly 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish center which has been linked to Hezbollah and their Iranian patrons.

Ambassador Lipstadt closed the discussion with gratitude toward ADL specifically. “Thank you for all you do,” she said. “We are partners in this fight.”

If you haven’t yet had a chance to watch my discussion with Ambassador Lipstadt, you can view it here, and share it with anyone else interested in how the U.S. government is prioritizing the Good Fight against antisemitism.

Watch the conversation with Ambassador Lipstadt

Thank you,
JG signature
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

Resources and Ways to Take Action from the Fighting Hate from Home Webinar

  • Be an advocate for ADL’s blueprint on how to enlist all levels of government to help address antisemitism through the COMBAT Plan.
  • We all deserve to feel safe in our houses of worship. Due to rising antisemitism, hate and domestic extremism, houses of worship need to invest in state-of-the-art security systems to keep communities safe. Contact your members of Congress and ask them to vote ‘yes’ on increased funding for nonprofit security grants.
  • Register for Never Is Now on Nov. 10. The world’s largest annual summit on antisemitism and hate will be held in person in NYC for the first time in several years, and we hope you’ll join us there.
  • Stay informed about the Mapping Project website that targets Jewish and other communal institutions and individuals throughout Massachusetts based on spurious claims of a conspiracy of “Zionism, Policing and Empire.”
  • Are you a victim of or a witness to antisemitism or other forms of hate? Take it to local law enforcement and report it to ADL.
  • Contact Your Regional ADL Office to get support.
  • Support ADL in Fighting Hate for Good.