The early bird registration deadline is coming up for the
2020 Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference
20-20 Vision: Clarifying Our Regional Climate Strategy
Wilmington, Delaware
January 18-19, 2020
8:00 a.m. Saturday through 12:00 p.m. Sunday
We’ve extended early registration — catch the lowest prices by December 17!
Is your new year’s resolution to get more involved in climate action in 2020? If so, give that resolution a kickstart by coming to your regional CCL conference! We’ll teach you what you need to know to become an effective advocate, whether you’re just getting started or you’re looking for new ideas to inspire you.
The conference is just five weeks away! The planning committee is working hard to pack the program with fantastic speakers and activities — now all we need is you!
We have great rates of $89/night at the beautiful Westin Hotel adjacent to the conference center, but availability is limited so book your stay ASAP.
Download our flyer and help us spread the word by posting it on social media and the places you frequent.
The Mid-Atlantic region covers Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, DC: all are welcome! Full details are available on the registration page.
Thank you!
Mid-Atlantic Conference Organizers