Right now, U.S. military veterans are camped outside the U.S. Capitol. They’re demanding that Republicans stop blocking healthcare access for veterans exposed to burn pits.
Write the Senate right now. Tell senators to stop putting politics ahead of veterans who have served our country. Now, it’s our turn to help them.
Just yesterday, AFT Secretary-Treasurer Fedrick Ingram brought supplies, including water bottles and rain ponchos, to these veterans.

When I first heard that Republicans were blocking the bill, I assumed there was a complicated reason; but there isn’t anything complicated about this. They’re blocking a straightforward bill that helps veterans. They’re blocking it for political reasons and making up excuses to justify it. It’s something that should disgust every one of us. Shame on Sen. Ted Cruz for fist-bumping colleagues when they blocked the bill. Shame on every Republican who has stood in the way of this legislation.
The good news is that everyone from Jon Stewart to AFT members have called them out. The Republicans know what they’re doing is wrong, and they’re starting to crack.
Another vote will be taken this week. Let’s flood their inboxes with letters demanding the Senate act. Click here to write your senators and demand that they pass the PACT Act.
In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT President
Randi Weingarten, President
Fedrick Ingram, Secretary-Treasurer | Evelyn DeJesus, Executive Vice President
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