Your update from the change-makers at

Defend the House: Andy Kim and Tim Alexander. ๐Ÿ‘‡

We are ready for sign ups with CD 2 and CD 3.

PROGRAM GOAL: To get registered Democratic voters who are not on the permanent Vote By Mail (VBM) list to enroll in VBM.

WHY: These elections depend on Democratic voter turn out and VBM can be the deciding factor. With MAGA voters believing that elections are rigged, enrolling Democratic voters in Vote By Mail (VBM) offers the Democratic party an advantage โ€“ giving voters an easy, convenient 45 days to return their votes.

In CD 3: There is a total of 156,238 in this pool, BUT we will only send mailers to those who did not vote in the 2021 General Election, a total of 82,656 registered Democratic voters. We reduce the mailings further to exclude non-deliverables and to only one mailing per household resulting in a total of 64,714 mailers.

In CD 2: There is a total of 131,816 in this pool, BUT we will only send mailers to those who did not vote in the 2021 General Election, a total of 69,159 registered Democratic voters. We reduce the mailings further to exclude non-deliverables and to only one mailing per household resulting in a total of 55,335 mailers.

We have stamps!

Thanks to our monthly recurring donors of Action Together PAC, we are able to buy legitimate legal Forever stamps at a lower cost via Etsy and eBay sellers to provide to volunteers who need them (while supplies last). (How bad is it that there is a micro-economy of people making money on a small margin when stamp rates go up? It's so sad to me.)

CD 3 help, sign up here.

CD 2 help, sign up here.

If you can do, please sign up.

If you support this but donโ€™t have time, please donate to this effort and join our Democracy Circle here.

In democracy,

Winn Khuong

Executive Director

Do or Donate. Democracy requires all of us.


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