
If Congress passes the Inflation Reduction Act it would be the biggest climate bill in US history. It would entail historic spending on green energy/tech and place a carbon fee on methane pollution, helping us reduce emissions an estimated 40% by 2030. Is it perfect? Is it everything we want? Not at all, but it takes us much closer to the goal post!!! 

Here is what we are doing to support it


1) Call your Democratic Members of Congress 

Tell Congress to pass this bill: In just a couple of minutes help get the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law.

2) Outreach at Lincoln Memorial

We are gathering this Saturday to get DC visitors to contact Congress in support of climate action. This is one of our best opportunities to reach people from outside of DC, from different parts of the country. Sign up for a shift:

What: Climate Outreach to Visitors at Lincoln Memorial
When: August 6; 10am-2pm (2 hour shifts)
Where: Lincoln Memorial

New volunteers are welcome--we'll provide training. And those who don't like to be outgoing can click the link to see ways they can help behind the scenes.

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