Please join us at the Outreach Sub-Committee meeting this Saturday, December 14 at 10 a.m. at the Bourgeois Pig Cafe at 738 W. Fullerton Ave. Find us wearing 350 Chicago apparel. We will discuss topics including: creating outreach materials, tabling at upcoming events, building a coalition in support of our ongoing divestment campaign, expanding our database of information about allies, and collecting Clean Energy Jobs Act petition signatures. See below for a description of this newly formed committee. Please RSVP to Alex McLeese at [email protected]. If you have any questions, please contact Alex or Christiane Rey at [email protected]. We hope to see you on Saturday!
The Outreach Committee will
be responsible for coordinat
ing 350 Chicago’s efforts to recruit new volunteers, shar
ing information about the group with the public, collaborat
ing with ally organizations, build
ing coalitions, and conduct
ing petition drives. We will hold new member coffees before monthly educational meetings, send personalized emails to new volunteers based on their stated interests, schedule one-on-one meetings with new volunteers, and help new members get involved in working groups. We will create materials to be used for outreach, including brochures, fliers, one-page handouts, and postcards. We will table at concerts, festivals, and markets to recruit new volunteers and promote public awareness of our work to address the climate crisis. We will maintain our allies document and reach out to allies about possible collaboration, including ways 350 Chicago can support the work of our allies. We will build coalitions of interested allies, including for our current divestment campaign. We will coordinate work with other 350 local chapters. When opportunities arise, we will collect petition signatures through our listserv and attendance at events. For example, we are now collecting signatures in support of the Clean Energy Jobs Act.