Dear People For Supporter, The overturning of Roe v. Wade in the recent Dobbs decision was the culmination of decades of attacks by the Far Right on our fundamental right to bodily autonomy and gender equity ... the result of the Far Right’s unyielding efforts to stack the Supreme Court (and lower courts) with extreme ideologues fully on board with their retrograde agenda. For many of us, the Dobbs decision was the realization of our greatest fear. Just as scary, though, is that it seems to have been the opening salvo by this Supreme Court majority as they now look to a long litany of rights they wish to rip away from millions of Americans. There have already been clear indications that this Court plans to keep coming for women, LGBTQ+ people, the separation of church and state, the right to vote, and the very ability of our government to protect the rights of any group or solve our nation’s most pressing problems. Add this situation to a country already traumatized by the Trump presidency and the COVID-19 pandemic and it’s easy to see how despair is a natural reaction. We’re all struggling with it. But we cannot give in to hopelessness, because there is no way out but forward. So I wanted to write to say thank you for staying in the fight, and being a part of this amazing shared project of ours called People For the American Way. We’ve truly never needed each other more. Now, we Americans who care so deeply about defending our fundamental rights need to band together. And our top priority needs to be getting everyone to the polls. With the end of Roe, bodily autonomy, reproductive freedom, and reproductive health are on the ballot at every level of government. It’s staggering to think that a right so fundamental is now subject to a hodgepodge of state and local laws across the country, but that’s the situation in which we now find ourselves. So we need to make sure we elect policymakers at the state and local levels who will protect abortion access. On the federal level, make no mistake – the Far Right WILL be pursuing a national abortion ban. Overturning Roe was not enough for the anti-abortion extremists who control an important part of their base. So their plan now is to win control of congressional majorities and the state offices that will be in charge of counting and certifying votes in the 2024 presidential election ... and then, once they have the White House, pass a federal ban and have it signed into law. Here are three action steps you can take today.
I do want to be clear with you: these attacks on our reproductive health care rights are the next – and a dramatically escalated – stage of the Far Right’s decades-long war on women. We cannot let these attacks stand. So I hope you’ll get even more active in the months to come so that this fall we can defend and expand a pro-choice majority in the U.S. Senate, abolish the filibuster, and restore our nationwide right to abortion care. It’s going to be an uphill struggle, but with everyone pitching in, it’s an achievable goal. Thanks again for staying in the fight! Sincerely, Kathleen Turner