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Our newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related to alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us on Twitter
@HRBdrugslibrary. [
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For all recent additions see our recently added publications [
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Irish-related publications
National Drug Treatment Reporting System 2015 – 2021 alcohol treatment data.
Lynch, Tiina and O'Neill, Derek and Lyons, Suzi (2022) Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Joint Committee on Health report on pre-legislative scrutiny of the Public Health (Tobacco and
Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2019.
Joint Committee on Health. (2022) Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas
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Understanding the political organization and tactics of the alcohol industry in Ireland 2009-2018.
Lesch, Matthew and McCambridge, Jim (2022) Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83, (4), pp.
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An examination of the diversity of beer and cider products sold in Irish supermarkets in the context
of health promotion advice.
Houghton, Frank and O’Mahony, Cáitlín (2022) South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, XVIII.
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Ireland, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Guinness, and the imagine one world kimono project.
Houghton, Frank and Houghton, Daisy (2022) MIR [Internet], 29, (117), pp. 176-181.
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Alcohol-related acute medical reviews in an acute hospital before and immediately after the
introduction of minimum unit pricing.
McKenna-Barry, Matthew and O'Regan, Paud (2022) Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online.
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Supporting parents: a national model of parenting support services.
(2022) Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
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Cannabinoid use for pain relief among people with multiple sclerosis.
Daly, D and Sweeney, BJ (2022) Irish Medical Journal, Early online.
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Mobilizing a counterhegemonic idea: empathy, evidence, and experience in the campaign for a
Supervised drug Injecting Facility (SIF) in Dublin, Ireland.
McCann, Eugene and Duffin, Tony (2022) Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, (In
Press) [link removed]
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Risk factors for COVID-19-related stress among college-going students.
Bhargav, Madhav and Swords, Lorraine (2022) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online.
pp. 1-7. [link removed]
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Working with young people who are engaging in substance use and their families.
Murray, Denis (2022) In: UNESCO child and family research centre 10th biennial international
conference. Navigating the future: a compass for youth policy and practice., 9-10 June 2022, NUI
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Self-harm and suicide in young people: associated risk factors and evidence based interventions.
Arensman, Ella (2022) In: UCD ACAP Webinar, 15 July 2022, Online.
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HSE and national voluntary drug and alcohol sector emerging drug trend monitoring pilot project.
Cannabinoid market survey, quarter 1 2022.
HSE drugs.ie. (2022) drugs.ie Feature
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Trafficking in persons report 2022.
(2022) Washington D.C.: United States Department of State
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UISCE’s strategy to build inclusion & participation of people who use drugs 2022 – 2025.
(2022) Dublin: UISCE.
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Criminal Assets Bureau annual report 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Criminal Assets Bureau.
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Forensic Science Ireland annual report 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Forensic Science Ireland.
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Health and wellbeing annual report 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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HSE National Women and Infants Health Programme annual report 2022.
(2022) Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme annual report 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Pobal.
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Oberstown Children Detention Campus annual report 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Oberstown Children Detention Campus.
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Department of Justice annual report 2020.
(2022) Dublin: Department of Justice
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Sláintecare Integration Fund end of programme report 2019 — 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Government of Ireland.
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Household expenditure on digital services 2020.
(2022) Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Growing up in Cavan.
Cavan: Planet Youth.
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Growing up in Monaghan
(2022) Monaghan: Planet Youth.
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Alcohol Action Ireland pre-budget submission: 2023.
(2022) Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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Annual report of the Policing Authority 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Policing Authority
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International publications
Mapping prevention systems in the European Neighbourhood Policy area: a baseline for future
monitoring and responses.
(2022) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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Webinar: Preparing for the future — applying a foresight approach in the drugs field.
(2022) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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EMCDDA trendspotter briefing. Responsiveness and preparedness in addressing drug-related needs of
displaced Ukrainians in EU countries bordering Ukraine.
(2022) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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Human rights in drug policy: a self-assessment tool.
Pompidou Group. (2022) Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
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Swift, certain, tough: new consequences for drug possession.
(2022) London: Home Office.
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Psychosocial and psychiatric factors preceding death by suicide: A case-control psychological
autopsy study involving multiple data sources.
McMahon, Elaine M et al (2022) Suicide & Life-threatening Behavior, Early online.
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Trauma-informed Wales: a societal approach to understanding, preventing and supporting the impacts
of trauma and adversity.
ACE Hub Wales. (2022) Cardiff: Public Health Wales NHS Trust.
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Adverse childhood experiences and adolescent drug use in the UK: the moderating role of
socioeconomic position and ethnicity.
Karamanos, A et al (2022) SSM - Population Health, 19. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2022
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How the war on drugs impacts social determinants of health beyond the criminal legal system.
Cohen, Aliza et al (2022) Annals of Medicine, 54, (1), pp. 2024-2038.
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Evidence paper: impact of investing in prevention on demand for statutory children’s social care.
Webb, Calum et al (2022) London: National Children's Bureau.
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A universal precautions approach to reducing stigma in health care: getting beyond HIV-specific
Treloar, Carla et al (2022) Harm Reduction Journal, 19. doi: 10.1186/s12954-022-00658-w
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Monitoring drug use in the digital age: studies in web surveys. The potential for using web surveys
to investigate drug sales through cryptomarkets on the darknet.
Kardena, Alexandra and Strizek, Julian (2022) Lisbon: EMCDDA.
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A report on British Columbia’s unregulated drug supply: drug checking trends across British Columbia
January to December 2021.
Knill, Alison et al (2022) Vancouver: British Columbia Centre on Substance Use.
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Community drug checking in music festivals: avenues for future research Shambhala 2019 report.
González-Nieto, Pablo et al (2022) British Columbia Centre on Substance Use.
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Emotion regulation in substance use disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Stellern, Jordan et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. [link removed]
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Delivering alcohol, drugs and multiple risk training and workforce development across Glasgow city.
Scottish Drugs Forum Workforce Development Team (2022) Glasgow: Scottish Drugs Forum.
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What is the volume, diversity and nature of recent, robust evidence for the use of peer support in
health and social care? An evidence and gap map.
Price, Anna (2022) Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18, (3).
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Polysubstance use in young people accessing residential and day treatment services for substance
use: substance use profiles, psychiatric comorbidity, and treatment completion.
Mefodeva, Valeriya et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16008 (In Press)
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Changing lives: our final report.
(2022) Edinburgh: Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce.
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The national drug-related deaths database (Scotland) report.
(2022) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.
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The association between buprenorphine treatment duration and mortality: a multi-site cohort study of
people who discontinued treatment.
Glanz, Jason M et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15998 (In Press)
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Estimating weekly national opioid overdose deaths in near real time using multiple proxy data
Sumner, Steven A et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (7).
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Opioid agonist treatment and risk of death or rehospitalization following injection drug
use-associated bacterial and fungal infections: a cohort study in New South Wales, Australia.
Brothers, Thomas D et al (2022) PLoS Medicine, 19, (7).
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Geographic trends in opioid overdoses in the US from 1999 to 2020.
Post, Lori Ann et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (7), e2223631.
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Priority setting for Canadian take-home naloxone best practice guideline development: an adapted
online delphi method.
Ferguson, Max et al (2022) Harm Reduction Journal, 19. doi: 10.1186/s12954-022-00650-4
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A rapid assessment of take-home naloxone provision during COVID-19 in Europe.
McDonald, Rebecca et al (2022) International Journal of Drug Policy, Early online.
[link removed] (In Press)
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Who is using take-home naloxone? An examination of supersavers.
Eide, Desiree et al (2022) Harm Reduction Journal, 19, (1), p. 65.
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Feasibility of prospectively comparing opioid analgesia with opioid-free analgesia after outpatient
general surgery: a pilot randomized clinical trial.
Do, Uyen et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (7).
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A longitudinal study of naloxone opioid overdose awareness and reversal training for first-year
medical students: specific elements require reinforcement.
Sandhu, Reena K et al (2022) Harm Reduction Journal, 19. doi: 10.1186/s12954-022-00656-y
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Development of a digital platform to improve community response to overdose and prevention among
harm reduction organizations.
Claborn, Kasey et al (2022) Harm Reduction Journal, 19. doi: 10.1186/s12954-022-00636-2
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The experience of safety, harassment and social exclusion among male clients of Sydney’s medically
supervised injecting centre.
Dertadian, George and Tomsen, Stephen (2021) International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social
Democracy, 10, (4).
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Implementation and sustainability of safe consumption sites: a qualitative systematic review and
thematic synthesis.
Yoon, Grace H et al (2022) Harm Reduction Journal, 19, (1), p. 73. doi: 10.1186/s12954-022-00655-z
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Patients' experiences of continued treatment with extended-release naltrexone: a Norwegian
qualitative study.
Marciuch, Anne et al (2022) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 17. doi:
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Association of postsurgical opioid refills for patients with risk of opioid misuse and chronic
opioid use among family members.
Agniel, Denis et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (7).
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Prevalence of HIV preexposure prophylaxis prescribing among persons with commercial insurance and
likely injection drug use.
Streed, Carl G et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (7).
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Can telemedicine optimize the HCV care cascade in people who use drugs? features of an innovative
decentralization model and comparison with other micro-elimination strategies.
Nevola, Riccardo et al (2022) Biology, 11, (6). doi: 10.3390/biology11060805
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Novel digital approaches to the assessment of problematic opioid use.
Freda, Philip J et al (2022) BioData Mining, 15. doi: 10.1186/s13040-022-00301-1
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Acute pancreatitis as a rare adverse event among cannabis users: A systematic review.
Jaiswal, Vikash et al (2022) Medicine, 101, (26), e29822.
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A critical review of cannabis in medicine and dentistry: a look back and the path forward.
Abidi, Ammaar H et al (2022) Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, 8, (3), pp. 613-631.
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Adjunctive transdermal cannabidiol for adults with focal epilepsy: a randomized clinical trial.
O'Brien, Terence J et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (7).
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Use of electronic cigarettes among cannabis-naive adolescents and its association with future
cannabis use.
Sun, Ruoyan et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (7).
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The declining trend in adolescent drinking: do volume and drinking pattern go hand in hand?
Rossow, Ingeborg et al (2022) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19,
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Prices, taxes and alcohol use: a systematic umbrella review.
Guindon, G Emmanuel et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. [link removed]
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Differential impact of minimum unit pricing on alcohol consumption between Scottish men and women:
controlled interrupted time series analysis.
Rehm, Jürgen et al (2022) BMJ Open, 12. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054161
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Alcohol packaging as a promotional tool: a focus group study with young adult drinkers in Scotland.
Jones, Daniel et al (2022) Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83, (4), pp. 565-573
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Structural differences in adolescent brainscan predict alcohol misuse.
Rane, Roshan Prakash et al (2022) eLife, 11. [link removed]
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Population-level risks of alcohol consumption by amount, geography, age, sex, and year: a systematic
analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2020.
GBD 2020 Alcohol Collaborators. (2022) The Lancet, 400, (10347), pp. 185-235.
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Practitioner and digitally delivered interventions for reducing hazardous and harmful alcohol
consumption in people not seeking alcohol treatment: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.
Beyer, Fiona R et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15999
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Employment status and alcohol-attributable mortality risk-a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Saul, Celine et al (2022) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19,
(12). doi: 10.3390/ijerph19127354
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Solitary alcohol use in adolescence predicts alcohol problems in adulthood: a 17-year longitudinal
study in a large national sample of US high school students.
Creswell, Kasey G et al (2022) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Early online.
[link removed] (In Press)
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How do we deal with a problem like the alcohol industry? Four lessons on how to protect science
based on recent study.
Mitchell, G and McCambridge, Jim (2022) JSAD FastTakes, doi:10.15288/jsad-FT.07.11.2022-6
[link removed]
Associations between moderate alcohol consumption, brain iron, and cognition in UK Biobank
participants: observational and mendelian randomization analyses.
Topiwala, Anya et al (2022) PLoS Medicine, 19, (7).
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Alcohol consumption at age 18-25 and number of children at a 33-year follow-up: Individual and
within-pair analyses of Finnish twins.
Rose, Richard J et al (2022) Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online. doi:
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Alcohol misuse in patients with alcohol-related liver disease: How can we do better? A narrative
review of the literature.
Horrell, Jane et al (2022) Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online. doi:
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Targeting unmet clinical needs in the treatment of alcohol use disorder.
Lohoff, Falk W (2022) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.767506
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Alcohol use in the year following approach bias modification during inpatient withdrawal: secondary
outcomes from a double-blind, multi-site randomized controlled trial.
Manning, Victoria et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15989
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Definition matters: assessment of tolerance to the effects of alcohol in a prospective cohort study
of emerging adults.
O'Dean, Siobhan M et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15991
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Behavioral economics indices predict alcohol use and consequences in young men at 4-year follow-up.
Gaume, Jacques et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15986
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Women, alcohol, pregnancy and FASD.
Plant, Moira (2022) QNIS Blog.
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Risk pathways contributing to the alcohol harm paradox: socioeconomic deprivation confers
susceptibility to alcohol dependence greater exposure to aversive experience, internalizing symptoms
and drinking to cope.
Shuai, Ruichong (2022) Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16.
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The COVID hangover: addressing long-term health impacts of changes in alcohol consumption during the
Boniface, Sadie et al (2022) London: Institute of Alcohol Studies.
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Brazil in the regional and transatlantic cocaine supply chain: the impact of COVID-19.
Cocaine insights 4. UNODC, CoE Brazil. (2022) Vienna: UNODC.
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Related effects of methamphetamine on the intestinal barrier via cytokines, and potential mechanisms
by which methamphetamine may occur on the brain-gut axis.
Li, Yuansen et al (2022) Frontiers in Medicine, 9. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.783121
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Systems mapping to understand complexity in the association between image and performance enhancing
drugs (IPEDs) and harm.
Bates, Geoff et al (2022) International Journal of Drug Policy, 107.
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ACMD report – A review of the evidence on the use and harms of 2-benzyl benzimidazole (‘nitazene’)
and piperidine benzimidazolone (‘brorphine-like’) opioids.
(2022) London: Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs.
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Infographic: synthetic cathinones notifications to the Early Warning System and seizures.
(2022) EMCDDA
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CCENDU drug alert: Xylazine.
(2022) Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.
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N-Propyl Butylone.
Krotulski, Alex J et al (2022) Pennsylvania: Center for Forensic Science Research & Education
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Ketamine assisted psychotherapy: a systematic narrative review of the literature.
Drozdz, Sandra J et al (2022) Journal of Pain Research, 15. pp. 1691-1706.
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Vaping cannabinoid acetates leads to ketene formation.
Munger, Kaelas R et al (2022) Chemical research in toxicology, (Working paper).
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Festivalgoers told 'medics are your mates' as HSE pilots drug harm-reduction campaign.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (27 Jul 2022)
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Nearly €9 million worth of drugs and cash seized at Irish airports so far in 2022.
[thejournal.ie] McNally, Tadgh (23 Jul 2022)
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Public consultation on Transnational Crime Inspection.
[Garda Inspectorate] (18 Jul 2022)
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Nearly 1,100 children hospitalised with drug and alcohol-related issues last year.
[newstalk.com] Murphy, Eoghan (15 Jul 2022)
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Ministers Donnelly and Butler announce additional €1.9m in funding for women’s mental health
services through the Women’s Health Fund.
[Department of Health] (15 Jul 2022)
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Recall of certain batches of CBD and hemp oil products due to the presence of unsafe levels of
delta‐9‐tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Food Safety Authority of Ireland. (14 Jul 2022)
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Dr Catherine Conlon: A fresh approach to underage drinking – the Icelandic model.
[Irish Examiner] Conlon, Catherine (10 Jul 2022)
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Number of drug and phone seizures in Irish prisons rose 20% last year.
[Irish Times] McCarthaigh, Sean (10 Jul 2022)
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Warning of a vaping ‘epidemic’ as teens see it as a normal rite of passage.
[Irish Examiner] Griffin, Niamh (10 Jul 2022)
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Plastic, coffee, and ink holders used by 'more inventive' drug smugglers.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (07 Jul 2022)
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Minister Feighan welcomes publication of National Alcohol Treatment data.
[Department of Health] (04 Jul 2022)
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Addiction and drug debts wreak havoc on community.
[Irish Times] Dalton, Eoghan (04 Jul 2022)
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Disposable vapes will 'get a whole new generation of people addicted to nicotine', expert warns.
[thejournal.ie] McCarron, Jamie (30 Jun 2022)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Written answer 666 – Joint policing committees [39231/22]. [
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] (14 Jul)
Written answer 676 – Departmental meetings [39247/22]. [
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] (14 Jul)
Written answer 775 – Legislative measures [Alcohol] [39210/22]. [
[link removed]
] (14 Jul)
Written answer 776 – Substance misuse [39211/22]. [
[link removed]
] (14 Jul)
Written answer 781 – Substance misuse [39246/22]. [
[link removed]
] (14 Jul)
Written answer 782 – Substance misuse [39248/22]. [
[link removed]
] (14 Jul)
Written answer 786 – Substance misuse [39252/22]. [
[link removed]
] (14 Jul)
Written answers 783, 784, 785 – Substance misuse [39249/22] [39250/22] [39251/22]. [
[link removed]
] (14 Jul)
Committee on Justice. Topic: Engagement with stakeholders on the topic of ‘“An examination of the
present approach to sanctions for possession of certain amounts of drugs for personal use’. [
[link removed]
] (12 Jul)
Written answer 297, 298, 299 – Departmental funding [36512/22, 36513/22, 36514/22]. [
[link removed]
] (06 Jul)
Written answer 175 – Revenue commissioners [35783/22]. [
[link removed]
] (05 Jul)
Written answer 338 – School curriculum [Knowing the score] [35418/22]. [
[link removed]
] (05 Jul)
Written answer 34 – Drug dealing [35892/22]. [
[link removed]
] (05 Jul)
Written answer 43 – An Garda Síochána [35833/22]. [
[link removed]
] (05 Jul)
Written answer 501 - An Garda Síochána [35446/22]. [
[link removed]
] (05 Jul)
Written answer 63 – Crime prevention [35975/22]. [
[link removed]
] (05 Jul)
Written answer 66 – Drug dealing [35981/22]. [
[link removed]
] (05 Jul)
Written answers 30, 53, 68, 523 – Gambling sector [35950/22, 35721/22, 35740/22, 35796/22]. [
[link removed]
] (05 Jul)
Written answers 550, 558 – Gangland crime [36248/22 & 36256/22]. [
[link removed]
] (05 Jul)
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Systematic review on e-cigarette and its effects on weight gain and adipocytes.
Hod, Rafidah et al (2022) PLoS ONE, 17, (7).
[link removed]
Smoking is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events, disease severity, and mortality
among patients hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 infections.
Poudel, Ram et al (2022) PLoS ONE, 17, (7).
[link removed]
Towards optimum smoking cessation interventions during pregnancy: a household model to explore
Saygın Avşar, Tuba et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15955
[link removed]
Differences in cigarette smoking quit attempts and cessation between adults who did and did not take
up nicotine vaping: findings from the ITC four country smoking and vaping surveys.
Gravely, Shannon et al (2022) Addictive Behaviors, 132. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2022.107339
[link removed]
Assessment of patterns in e-cigarette use among adults in the US, 2017-2020.
Boakye, Ellen et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (7). doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.23266
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Behavioural risk audit of gambling operator platforms.
(2022) London: Behavioural Insights.
[link removed]
Consultation outcome. Government response to the call for evidence on loot boxes in video games.
United Kingdom. Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport. (2022) London: Gov.UK.
[link removed]
Is the economic model of gambling dependent on problem gambling? Evidence from an online survey of
regular sports bettors in Britain.
Wardle, Heather et al (2022) International Gambling Studies, Early online.
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Is problematic internet and smartphone use related to poorer quality of life? a systematic review of
available evidence and assessment strategies.
Masaeli, Nassim and Billieux, Joël (2022) Current Addiction Reports, Early online. pp. 1-16. doi:
[link removed]
Global prevalence of help-seeking for problem gambling: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Bijker, Rimke et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15952
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