NAFCU Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Ann Petros Monday wrote to the CFPB regarding its advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) regarding credit card late fees and late payments.
NAFCU is currently seeking credit union feedback on a variety of key issues, including lending and liquidity conditions, regulatory burdens, and strategic challenges. The association will share results of the survey directly with Federal Reserve Board Governor Michelle Bowman and senior Federal Reserve staff during NAFCU’s annual meeting with the Federal Reserve this November.
This fall, NAFCU will host its annual Regulatory Compliance & BSA Seminar, where attendees learn to develop advanced compliance skills while staying on top of evolving regulatory trends and hot topics. This year’s event will occur in Louisville, KY on Sept. 27-29. Of note, Friday is the final day to save $200.00 on registration with code SEMINARSAVINGS.
Save $200.00 with code BEIMPACTFUL by 8/12 for NAFCU’s Congressional Caucus
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