The Mainstream Media LOATHES Turning Point USA and our 500,000+ America-loving students because we're the biggest threat to their stranglehold on younger generations.
That's why they're lashing out at us with VICIOUS and completely BASELESS attacks.
You see, TPUSA recently hosted our annual Student Action Summit in Florida, where we welcomed 5,000+ young patriots for a weekend of inspirational speeches from conservative leaders, activism training, and networking.
Outside the venue, a small group of radical demonstrators unaffiliated with TPUSA protested our event. We attempted to have them removed, but as they were on public property, we could not do so.
This isn't the first time we've had an event protested by fringe radicals, and it certainly won't be the last.
But the Leftists at The View saw an opportunity that they couldn't pass up -- a chance to smear Turning Point USA and our 500,000+ student activists.
They claimed that these radical demonstrators -- who were PROTESTING our event! -- were actually our allies.
They LIED and FABRICATED a false story that I can only describe as socialist fan fiction, with Whoopi Goldberg even going so far as to claim that we "welcomed Nazis" into our event "metaphorically."
Can you see why we're taking a serious look at suing these smear artists -- and why we need your generous financial support to defend our good name?
Fellow Patriot, as an informed conservative, you've probably heard of Turning Point USA-- and even if you don't know us that well, you probably know that we're about one thing, and one thing only:
Teaching young Americans to LOVE America and stand up for the principles that make America the GREATEST country in the history of the world.
TPUSA's Student Action Summit brought together 5,000+ patriotic young people from ALL 50 states because they love our country and they believe in American Greatness.
They're the FUTURE LEADERS of our Pro-Freedom, Pro-America movement -- and now The View and Whoopi Goldberg have smeared and lied about them on national television!
I can promise you this: Turning Point USA and I WILL NOT back down from this fight, and we WILL stand up for our student activists. In fact, we've ALREADY sent a cease and desist letter to ABC News.
Now I'm calling on grassroots patriots like YOU to support these young people, too.
Can I count on you to chip in $35, $50, $75, $100, or whatever you can possibly afford to help Turning Point USA defend our Student Action Summit AND our student activists?
These young patriots need to know that Americans have their backs!