Senator Murphy is co-sponsoring legislation to help end spam robocalls.

Chris Murphy for Senate

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Senator Murphy is co-sponsoring legislation to help end spam robocalls, but he needs our help to get a vote. Add your name right now to tell Mitch McConnell to bring the TRACED Act to the floor.


Friends -

Robocalls have gotten out of hand.

If you agree, help me get the Senate to pass the TRACED Act, which aims to end these spam calls.

Add your name: Tell Mitch McConnell to bring the TRACED Act to the floor for a vote. The House passed this already, and we need to make sure this doesn’t end up in McConnell’s “legislative graveyard.”

According to the FCC, almost half of all calls this year will be spam.

I hear complaints about this all the time from my constituents, and I get it. These calls are annoying as heck.

The scammers increasingly are spoofing numbers similar to yours to dupe you into answering. At this point, many of us don’t even bother answering the phone if we don’t have the number saved.

With today’s technology and the widespread use of smartphones, that’s an absurd status quo, and we don’t have to accept it any longer.

This bill would help end these calls by increasing potential fines, granting more authority to the FCC to take action and requiring telecom companies to implement new technology to confirm calls are legitimate.

The good news is that this is a rare issue in Washington with near-universal support.

What’s important is that this bill doesn’t get held up by Republican leadership in the Senate. We need to keep public pressure on Mitch McConnell to make sure he brings it to the floor for a vote. That’s where you come in:

Add your name: Tell Mitch McConnell to bring the TRACED Act to the floor for a vote. If we vote on this bill, it will pass. No question.

End Illegal Robocalls -- Add Your Name

It may not be health care or anti-gun violence, but passing this bill would have a tangible and significant impact on our daily lives. That’s what you sent us here to do, so let’s get it done.

Every best wish,

Chris Murphy


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