
Make no mistake. The Left has declared a war on women. And right now they are winning.

What is a woman?

We know that a woman is an adult human female.  

But this begs the question: what exactly is a female?

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, which refers to itself as “America’s most trusted authority on the English language,” first defines ‘female’ to mean, “of, relating to, or being the sex that typically has the capacity to bear young or produce eggs.” 

But in 2020 it added an additional definition of ‘female’ to its website: “having a gender identity that is the opposite of male.”

This new definition makes a mockery of equal opportunity, compromises privacy and safety, and makes sociological and scientific data on sex unreliable.

We can’t fight sex discrimination if we can’t define female.

Please help us codify the common sense definition of basic sex-based terms.
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