Rashida’s primary is tomorrow, and we need all hands on deck to protect our progress.

Ilhan for Congress

My Squad mate Rashida Tlaib’s primary is tomorrow, friend, and the last-minute attacks are only getting worse:

Two conservative super PACs are spending $1 million to flood her race with TV ads and mailers to try to mislead voters, unseat her, and undermine our progressive movement.

Meanwhile, about a week out from my primary, my conservative primary opponent has TV ads on the air and mailers in mailboxes, too.

The status quo will stop at nothing to roll back our progress, but we won’t let them drown out our people-first message. Rashida and I both have powerful organizing teams who are knocking doors and making calls to get out the vote for our campaigns and progressives up and down the ballot.

I even joined her team in Detroit last week, and she’s headed to Minnesota this coming weekend to help mobilize voters. Our Squad stands together.

Will you stand with us ahead of our primaries by chipping in a split donation of any amount? Your contributions will help us fight back against these attacks, power our organizing efforts, and win our primaries so we can keep up our work for a better future in Congress.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be split between Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar immediately:


In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar