Insider News from the Political Revolution!
HEADLINES: Manchin Deal? | Bernie Rally w/ Andy + Rashida - Vote Tues! | Ilhan Omar Joins Call | Big Money vs. Andy Levin | Bust Big Tech | Vote Cori Bush Tues | Climate Heat on Schumer, Biden | NY Senate Races | MD - Ruth Wins/Elrich Down by 21 | Ohio Party Races |& MORE! ★ ★ ★ As details emerge, the latest version of President Biden’s agenda - The Inflation Reduction Act - is a far cry from the action needed to meet this moment, but we’re muscling for as much as possible now to crack the door open for more. The battle for any budget deal with Joe Manchin is only alive still because of massive activism and pressure from our progressive movement. Our Revolution’s strong state and national networks have also been critical counter forces against sabotage from corporate Dems like US Rep. Josh Gottheimer in this process. As a result, some key investments in renewable energy remain for 40% carbon reduction by 2030 — along with corporate taxes, tax loophole closures, Medicare drug price reforms, and other meaningful steps we can build on, The Lever reports. Become a recurring monthly donor to Our Revolution to maximize our collective action against far-right authoritarians and mega-corporations corrupting our politics. Now is the time to fight. ★ ★ ★ BERNIE RALLIES w/ ANDY LEVIN + RASHIDA TLAIB MICHIGAN, MISSOURI AND OTHERS VOTE TUESDAY! Our Revolution joined Bernie Sanders to rally the progressive movement in Michigan to VOTE for US Reps. Andy Levin (MI-11) and Rashida Tlaib (MI-12)! It was a great night in Pontiac, MI rallying against big money from rightwing billionaires trying to defeat two of our most committed progressive allies and halt their work in Congress for Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, labor rights and more. “The billionaire class is saying: ‘We own this country and we will not tolerate dissent. Work for us or get out,’” Bernie told the crowd. “Andy Levin has chosen not to work for them, and based on his work deserves to be re-elected. We must tell them they can’t buy our democracy!” Hundreds of us are knocking doors, making calls, and activating folks to the polls for Andy and Rashida by Election Day on Tuesday (Aug. 2). If you’re in Michigan, make a plan to vote — find your polling place here! Read more about these races below! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ENDORSEMENTS US Rep. Ilhan Omar has the full support of Our Revolution and Bernie Sanders in her bid for re-election to Congress in Minnesota’s 5th District! Ilhan has been a leading national voice for the progressive movement and serves as whip for the Congressional Progressive Caucus. On our National Organizing Call on Monday she said: “This is a very heavy time, a very dangerous moment. A lot of work is being done in the House, but we have a Senate where every good idea dies.” “That’s why we protested the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe and got arrested — we have to keep this issue in the spotlight and move with urgency,” she said. Ilhan said progressives in Congress are actively pushing the president for executive actions for abortion access, climate action, canceling student debt, and more. “We’re pressing forward,” she said. “I know people are tired of being asked to vote, but we need the right people in the right offices for the right legislation to pass.” Ilhan called us to out-organize big money interests targeting progressives like her across the country. “The onslaught of dangerous TV ads is a detriment, so we truly appreciate you all being foot soldiers and having conversations with people.” Sign up to make calls and send Ilhan reinforcements to join her in Congress as part of our 2022 Phonebank Force! PHONEBANK FOR PROGRESSIVES ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution is also proudly backing progressive champion Sarah Blas for NYS Senate in District 23. Last year, Sarah was elected to the Community Education Council (D-31), and now she’s running for State Senate to carry on her fight for digital equity, education, housing, healthcare and more. Sarah’s first home in Staten Island was a domestic violence shelter before her family moved into New York City Housing, where she remains a proud resident — and she’d be the first member of the state legislature to live in NYCHA. Sarah believes legislation should be crafted by those who are most impacted by the outcomes. “Our lived experience matters, it’s time we say no to elected officials raising money from corporations,” Sarah said on Monday’s National Organizing Call. “We need folks who will show up where it counts.” Sign up to help GOTV for Sarah Blas and other great Our Revolution candidates in NY like Melanie D’Arrigo and Brittany Ramos DeBarros ahead of the Aug. 23rd election! ★ ★ ★ Gustavo Rivera has Our Revolution’s endorsement for re-election to the NY State Senate in District 33. Sen. Rivera has been a great progressive ally in his time in office so far. Most importantly, as chair of the Senate Health Committee, he is a main sponsor and steadfast champion of the New York Health Act — which would create a system of universal, single-payer healthcare in the state. New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN) - Our Revolution’s State chapter - is also working to re-elect Gustavo. Join our Bronx Chapter and help get out the vote ahead of NY’s second primary of 2022 on Aug. 23rd! ★ ★ ★ CLIMATE RALLY w/ ANDY LEVIN Our Revolution joined US Rep. Andy Levin on Monday for a rally and climate canvas in Michigan’s 11th district, where he’s on the ballot Tuesday for re-election. Our Revolution Michigan leader and DNC Climate Council Chair Michelle Deatrick spoke at the event on the need for collective action in partnership with elected allies like Andy, who was an original cosponsor of the Green New Deal. Last week, Andy was arrested alongside 17 Congresswomen demonstrating for women’s rights outside the Supreme Court and again the next day with unionizing cafeteria workers at the US Senate. Andy Levin is the REAL DEAL. Join the Our Revolution call team to GOTV tonight in Michigan! ★ ★ ★ $3.3M in attack ads are flooding the airwaves against US Rep. Andy Levin, paid for by rightwing billionaire-funded superPACs like AIPAC’s “United Democracy Project” — which is supporting 109 insurrectionists! A veteran labor organizer, Andy’s inside-outside governing with working people has made him a target of corporate spending. It has also made him “by far the best labor member of the House and a progressive with an amazing environmental record,” Our Revolution Chair Larry Cohen told The Nation. The top issues driving Democratic voters right now include rising prices, abortion rights, gun violence and threats to democracy, but AIPAC - the top spender in Democratic primaries, is singularly focused on Israel, Politico reports. Yet, AIPAC rarely mentions Israel in their barrage of ads — spending $22M this cycle so far against candidates like Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Nina Turner, Jessica Cisneros, and others. The SuperPAC takes massive amounts from Trump-aligned billionaires and says it’s now setting its sights on New York, where Our Revolution candidates are on the ballot Aug. 23rd. “That people with vast resources can come in and, for a million dollars a week, run unaccountable dark money to try to change the outcome of a Democratic primary — it’s a real threat to our democracy,” Andy said. Not all Democrats are alike, as billionaire donors and corporate interests are well aware. Our movement also knows what’s at stake — join us to fight back. ★ ★ ★ VOTE FOR CORI BUSH TUESDAY! Tuesday is a big election day in Missouri, too, with progressive champion Cori Bush (MO-1) on the ballot for re-election! In 2020, Our Revolution members and volunteers worked to help Cori defeat 10-term corporate incumbent Lacy Clay. Since then, Rep. Bush has been a steadfast progressive ally in Congress. “If we want a brighter future for our country and our world, we need to make change that people can feel,” Cori told us on our National Organizing Call. “We build power by getting more of us in there who are willing to put our minds, our bodies and our reputations on the line to deliver equity and justice for our communities.” ★ ★ ★ WINS + SUPER-CLOSE RACES IN MARYLAND Mail-in ballots are still being counted in Maryland, but Our Revolution Baltimore Co-Chair Sheila Ruth (D-44B) has won her Baltimore County race for a full-term in the House of Delegates! The contest for Montgomery County Executive is a dead heat. Long-time Our Revolution Maryland member Marc Elrich, who is seeking re-election, trails Big Pharma CEO David Blair by 21 votes with votes remaining to be tallied and a recount likely. Our Revolution Maryland is celebrating Brooke Lierman’s win in the Comptroller’s race as well as the victories of two State Organizing Committee members - Carlos Childs and Ed Fischman - for Democratic Central Committee seats in Charles and Montgomery counties. And, many of the most progressive General Assembly members are winning or have won. Congratulations to Sens. Jill Carter and Clarence Lam and Dels. Gabe Acevero, Julie Palakovich-Carr, Lorig Charkoudian, Jessica Feldmark, David Moon, Emily Shetty, Jared Solomon, Vaughn Stewart, and Jheanelle Wilkins. Michelle Gregory running for State Senate, and Todd Nock running for Delegate, won primary races, and Baltimore City nominated Mark Edelson for State Delegate. In County Council primaries, Izzy Patoka won handily in Baltimore Co. Liz Walsh and Joan Pontius prevailed in Howard Co. In Montgomery Co., Natali Fani-González won in District 6 and progressive activist Kristin Minkis almost certain to win in District 5. Krystal Oriadhaheads to the general in Prince George’s Co. ★ ★ ★ We’re still stacking up major progressive wins for Congress in the 2022 primaries: Greg Casar (TX-35), Summer Lee (PA-12), Jasmine Crockett (TX-30), Jamie McLeod Skinner (OR-5), Andrea Salinas (OR-6), Delia Ramirez (IL-3) and Jonathan Jackson (IL-1), and others! Plus, we have more chances to elect more allies in primary races in Michigan, Missouri, New York, Vermont, and other states in coming weeks. Become a recurring donor TODAY to help us take down the worst corporate Dems and give voters the most electable AND progressive candidates in November! ★ ★ ★ This 2022 primary season, Our Revolution Phonebank Force has made more than 500,000 phone calls to voters across the country! We’re recruiting as many folks as possible to hit that one-million mark and beyond! Right now, we have shifts for incredible candidates for Congress like Brittany Ramos-DeBarros (NY-11), Andy Levin (MI-11), David Segal (RI-2), Melanie D’Arrigo (NY-3), and many others! COMMIT TO A CALL SHIFT ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ CALLING OUT CHUCK SCHUMER BRING ANTITRUST BILLS TO A VOTE! Our Revolution activists protested with allies outside a Chuck Schumer’s fundraiser on Tuesday demanding the Senate Majority Leader bring two passable antitrust bills for a vote ASAP. The American Innovation and Choice Online Act and the Open App Markets Act would help bust Big Tech monopoly power, enable fairer competition on platforms, and ban self-dealing. Schumer hid out inside the DC hotel and later dodged us out a back door. NY POST reported: “The unusual game of cat-and-mouse featured advocates from Fight for the Future, Our Revolution, the American Economic Liberties Project and Demand Progress — one dressed up as Mr. Monopoly with a $100M faux check for “Protecting Big Tech.” We’re driving so many calls to Schumer, he shut off the voicemail at his DC office — very democratic of him. So NOW we’re calling his NY office, and we need you to help us flood that inbox demanding he do his job and bring antitrust bills for a vote on the Senate floor. Click this link and it will automatically call your phone and connect you with Schumer’s office — leave a message, it’s easy and satisfying! CALL CHUCK SCHUMER NOW ★ ★ ★ STAFFERS TURN UP CLIMATE HEAT ON SCHUMER, BIDEN Speaking of Schumer - 16 congressional staffers of progressive House members held a sit-in at his DC office on Monday, demanding climate action from the Senate Majority Leader, Axios reports. Schumer had six of the staffers arrested, but one of their demands - to reopen climate talks with Manchin - actually materialized two days later! “I’m not just supportive, I’m damn proud of the staff who were arrested protesting Schumer’s office for climate,” Ilhan Omar said on our live broadcast on Monday. The Lever reports a total of 165 staffers at federal health and environmental agencies and 75 congressional offices issued a letter to both Schumer and President Biden urging more aggressive tactics before it’s too late. ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution is part of a large chorus of progressives and environmentalists demanding Biden declare a Climate Emergency and take executive action. We want to hear from you! How many yachts for Joe Manchin are worth the millions of deaths from impending climate catastrophe? What will future generations curse us for the most? TAKE OUR CLIMATE SURVEY ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Charly Carter of Democracy Initiative joined our National Organizing Call on Monday to lay out a path toward reversing “a well-coordinated, well-funded multi-prong attack on our rights.” Democracy Initiative is a coalition of 75 national organizations from every corner of the movement - labor, civil rights, environmental justice, women’s rights, and more - coming together to expand our democracy for a government that works for all of us. The outrage of the Uvalde shooting forced 15 Republicans to vote for the first gun legislation in decades. “That’s a roadmap to filibuster changes, abortion rights and more,” Charly said. “We see a crack and now we keep applying pressure — we can’t afford to turn down the heat!” Our Revolution activists have been in the streets in rapid response to a rogue rightwing Supreme Court. Join us to demand Democratic leadership bring the same energy to this fight. ★ ★ ★ BAR TRUMP FROM THE BALLOT Our Revolution and our partners at Free Speech for People are urging election officials in each state to keep Trump off the ballot. We wrote to Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin, arguing Trump is constitutionally disqualified from re-election based on his actions in the January 6 Capitol riots, CommonWealth Magazine reported this week. “There is no constitutional requirement that Congress, a court, or anyone else formally adjudicate this question before you may decide his eligibility for the ballot,” our letter reads. It’s no different from excluding a presidential candidate who is underage. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution Mobilization Coordinator Diane Morgan is running with a slate of endorsed progressives on the ballot TUESDAY for the Ohio Democratic Party’s State Central Committee. Diane Morgan (SD-23) is joined by Andrej Rotter (SD-25), Seth Flora (SD-10), Susan Haas(SD-20), and Tina Bayne (SD-9).Together they can make a huge impact on the direction of the party in Ohio. All told, Our Revolution Ohio ran nearly 400 progressives for Central Committee positions across the state’s 58 counties, outmaneuvered the Party Machine, and WON! Become a member of Our Revolution today to help transform the party and change who has power in politics! ★ ★ ★ As you know, Bernie founded Our Revolution six years ago to wage the fight for our progressive policy solutions and elect allies who will work with our activists on the outside. Our Revolution is the largest progressive grassroots-funded organization in the country — but we need to double our coalition and max out our power to beat back the big money dominating American politics. Become a sustaining member TODAY. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ WORKPLACE DEMOCRACY IN CALIFORNIA WE HAVE A SHOT - CALL YOUR SENATORS We need YOU to stand up with fast-food workers, Our Revolution, SEIU, and Fight for $15 and a Union to demand the California State Senate pass AB-257 - The FAST Recovery Act. This bill would give these essential workers a say in setting health, safety, and employment standards while holding major food chains accountable. TAKE ACTION - add your voice in solidarity with worker activists - tell your state senator to pass AB 257 for more democracy in the workplace. ★ ★ ★ Our movement is outworking big money through direct voter outreach to elect more allies and replace corporate Democrats in this summer’s primary races. Join a call shift — it feels great to change a voter’s mind in real-time and know that you’re changing the composition of power. SIGN UP TO PHONEBANK ★ ★ ★ US Rep. Andy Levin is one of our most committed working-class fighters in Congress — and we need your help to make sure he beats a corporate Dem opponent gunning for the seat with AIPAC money! Make calls tonight ahead of tomorrow’s election! PHONEBANK TO HAVE ANDY’S BACK If you’re in Michigan, sign up to knock doors for Andy today and tomorrow HERE. ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution is making calls to David Segal to Congress (RI-2) — and he would be a key ally against corporate power and corruption. Join us to make an impact on one of the most critical primaries of 2022. VOLUNTEER HERE! ★ ★ ★ Melanie D’Arrigo is an incredible advocate for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and our popular progressive agenda – let’s beat out the establishment and send her to Congress! Help us reach voters directly in NY-3. MAKE CALLS FOR MELANIE ★ ★ ★ Sign up to help elect Our Revolution member and endorsed candidate Brittany Ramos DeBarros to Congress in NY-11. We’ll be calling thousands of Our Revolution supporters in this Staten Island-based Congressional District. RSVP HERE ★ ★ ★ Become a sustaining member of Our Revolution for just $5 a month and get your own official Membership Card. For $10, get our collectible sticker 6-pack — $15, get the stickers and a poster — $27, get both PLUS a tote bag — and at the $50 level, get it all and a T-shirt. BECOME A MOVEMENT BUILDER ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
