Join an action near you to demand Biden declare a #ClimateEmergency.

Dear John,

People are taking action across the country TOMORROW to tell President Biden that NOW is the time to declare a climate emergency.

While it is encouraging to see that climate is back on Congress's agenda via the Inflation Reduction Act, the current proposal is very problematic, including dangerous provisions that would actually hurt climate goals and delay a swift, just, and equitable energy transition.

SIGN UP to join an action near you to tell President Biden to declare a #ClimateEmergency.


We need to jump-start renewable energy investment without incentivizing new mining under the 150-year-old mining law that fails to protect people and the environment from harm. We need to cut climate pollution by stopping the build-out of fossil fuels instead of cutting deals to fast-track permits for more dirty energy infrastructure.

President Biden has the power to take bold action on climate and protect communities from the harms of fossil fuel and mining extraction. 

The time for him to act is now! Join us!

In solidarity, 

Jennifer Krill,
Executive Director of Earthworks  |  Make a Donation

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