John -
I wanted to take a moment today to thank you.
When I reached out to you for assistance before the end of the month, you answered the call. Your energy is powering this campaign, and if we keep working together as a team, we can make sure that turncoat Charlie Crist is replaced with a true conservative in the House.
I am grateful for your continued support John, and I want to be sure you know how important your efforts are to strengthening our team.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being part of this campaign!
Amanda Makki Conservative Republican for FL-13
![Yvette Herrell for Congress]( | Amanda Makki is an America First candidate for Congress in Florida's 13th District. A legal immigrant, attorney, and conservative national commentator, Amanda is a strong conservative with a proven record of fighting for the values and principles that made America the greatest country in the world! To support Amanda's campaign chip in $5 or more today! |