From ADL International Affairs <[email protected]>
Subject Twitter Allows Iran’s Leader to Spew Antisemitism
Date August 1, 2022 8:30 PM
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July 2022

ADL Calls for Antisemite Khamenei to (finally) be De-platformed

Following the Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei&rsquo;s latest antisemitic Twitter tirade - where he claimed &ldquo;Zionist merchants&rdquo; headed up a &ldquo;mafia&rdquo; that controls the US and Western governments - ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt
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wrote a letter to Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal imploring the social media company to finally de-platform Khamenei in response to his repeated use of the platform to promote antisemitism and hate.

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Read Jonathan&rsquo;s letter here >>>

ADL Meets with Israeli PM Lapid, President Herzog and Other Senior Israeli Officials

Jonathan Greenblatt visited Israel for a series of high-level governmental and civil society meetings, including
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Prime Minister Lapid , President Herzog, Defense Minister Gantz, and Diaspora Minister Shai. Among the issues discussed were global antisemitism, anti-Zionism, US-Israel relations, and threats posed to Israel&rsquo;s security by Iran and others.

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also met with Kotel (Western Wall) Chief Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz to raise concerns about the
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violent disruption of a Bar Mitzvah ceremony at the Kotel by Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) extremists. Following their meeting, the rabbi issued a
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statement condemning the violence.

Jonathan also represented ADL at a
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special ceremony where President Herzog awarded US President Biden with Israel&rsquo;s Presidential Medal of Honor.


Israel and the Middle East

In the lead-up to President Biden&rsquo;s Middle East trip, Deputy National Director Ken Jacobson
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explored the unprecedented opportunities of normalization and cooperation in the region. Then, following the announcement of the
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Jerusalem Declaration signed between the US and Israel, Ken
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wrote about the Declaration's significance in strengthening the US-Israel relationship.

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new ADL blog documents the uptick in anti-Zionist rhetoric related to President Biden&rsquo;s visit including malicious and antisemitic tropes about Zionism and Israel.

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strongly condmened antisemitic comments from UN Human Right Council Commission of Inquiry member Miloon Kothari, who alleged &ldquo;Jewish control&rdquo; of social media platforms, labeled Israel an apartheid and settler colonialist state, and questioned its UN membership. These hateful comments, ADL said, are sadly emblematic of a broader bias within the UNHRC and expose the deeply rotten core of the Commission&rsquo;s reports and recommendations. And in
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an op-ed , Ken Jacobson examines the relationship between Kothari&rsquo;s comments and the UNHRC&rsquo;s anti-Israel bias.

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an op-ed responding to Amnesty International&rsquo;s campaign to brand Israel an apartheid state &ndash; including by selling &ldquo;apartheid merchandise,&rdquo; ADL&rsquo;s Shaya Lerner labels Amnesty&rsquo;s actions a dangerous publicity stunt, and examines how anti-Israel NGO's and activists are demonizing and delegitimizing Israel by normalizing false labels like apartheid and genocide.


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said that comments by Hungarian PM Victor Orban - who denounced so-called &lsquo;mixed race&rsquo; nations - amplify xenophobia and racism and should be soundly condemned.

Dalia Grinfeld, Associate Director for European Affairs,
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represented ADL at a roundtable discussion with Karen Donfried, US Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, and Amy Gutmann, US Ambassador to Germany, where she raised issues related to threats to democracy in Europe and internationally.

In the first six months of 2022, ADL conducted Words to Action training on understanding and responding to antisemitism for 420 individuals across eleven European countries, partnering with Jewish student unions and youth movements, as well as organizations including Moishe House, Hillel, Maccabi, and BBYO.

Latin America

Liat Altman, ADL Director of Latin American Affairs, represented ADL at the
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Latin American Forum on Combatting Antisemitism , held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on the anniversary of the bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center. In an op-ed reflecting on the AMIA commemoration, Liat
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wrote : &ldquo;The commemoration ceremony itself was incredibly powerful and moving, where it was evident that the collective pain endured by the survivors and victims&rsquo; families was shared by all those present in person and virtually this year.&rdquo; Each time a victim&rsquo;s name was called out, the crowd, which included US Special Envoy on Global Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt, chanted &ldquo;Presente&rdquo; in order to bear witness to the victims&rsquo; lives and reflect on the resilience of the survivors.

In the leadup to the AMIA anniversary, ADL&rsquo;s Susan Heller Pinto and Aykan Erdemir
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wrote an op-ed about the importance of remaining vigilant in the face of ongoing Iranian threats across the Latin America, stating: &ldquo;Since the Iranian regime, which has not shied away from propagating anti-Semitic incitement or hurling violent threats, remains a very real threat to Jewish communities around the world, a true commemoration of the AMIA attack and the honoring of the memories of its victims require vigilance against state-sponsored extremists committed to repeating similar attacks.&rdquo; The op-ed was also published in major Spanish and Portuguese newspapers across Latin America.

ADL translated several op-eds into Spanish, including:
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Ken Jacobson on the Mapping Project (Enlace Judio)
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Ken Jacobson on Biden&rsquo;s Israel Visit (Infobae)
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Susan Heller Pinto and Aykan Erdemir on the AMIA Bombing Anniversary (El Nacional)
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Liat Altman on her Reflections from the AMIA Commemoration (Infobae)
US and Global

As part of the ongoing effort to push back against the
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antisemitic Mapping Project - whose website is currently being hosted by an Iceland-based provider - ADL wrote to Iceland's Minister for Foreign Affairs urging the government to take immediate action against the website. ADL also
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published a blog highlighting how terrorist groups, like the PFLP, and extremist voices, like the Iranian regime&rsquo;s PressTV, have embraced the Mapping Project.

In response to a
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hateful, anti-Israel resolution passed by the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), ADL&rsquo;s Jackie Subar
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wrote &ldquo;...a resolution describing Israel as an apartheid state undermines the Jewish state&rsquo;s legitimacy and serves to blame Israel alone for the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Choosing to utilize such a caustic and demonizing term as apartheid &ndash; or, worse, comparing Israel&rsquo;s actions to those of the Nazis during the Holocaust &ndash; feeds into an unhealthy discourse that, despite all the injustice in the world, positions Israel, and only Israel, as uniquely evil among the nations.&rdquo;

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ADL analysis revealed how anti-Israel groups and individuals are linking American-specific issues like the dangers of gun violence and threats to reproductive care, to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, using those domestic concerns as an excuse to double down on anti-Zionist tropes and false accusations against the state of Israel.


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